Downstroke Practice Tune Breakdown

Now that we've practiced the mechanical, mathematical and musical elements at work in this strumming pattern, it's time to use it in a musical context. We'll do that with what I call a “practice tune”, which is a little song I come up with purely for the purpose of this lesson. It'll have a simple intro, a verse a chorus and an outro.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Down Stroke Strumming Pattern
Downstroke Practice Tune Breakdown song notation

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Questions & Answers

6 months ago
I am stuck on acoustic level 1 lesson 6. I can play through the practice tune but get stuck on changing from G to C. I manage to carry on but change is not smooth. Should I: 1) carry on practicing until I get it right, or 2) move on to next lesson (and also continue to practice G to C change)? Thanks, Alan
Mike Olekshy 6 months ago

Hi Alan - thanks so much for your question! You can move on to the next lesson and also continue to practice the G to C change.

8 months ago
If I’ve marked a lesson in a tutorial as a “favorite”, how do I easily find it again? I’m not seeing a dropdown or radio button for favorites.
Mike Olekshy 7 months ago

Hello - thanks for your question! The link to the Favorites section is located at the top right of the GuitarTricks homepage under the Account drop down menu.

1 year ago
Hello, thanko you for this lesson. when you were playing C chord, there is this ">" symbol above the TAB, what does it mean? Thank you
Josh Workman 1 year ago

That is an accent, so you would play any note or chord aligned with the accent slightly louder or with more emphasis.