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I, IV and V

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In this lesson we'll use the same approach to finding our 1 4 and 5 chords in another key and listen to how the chords may be different but the relationship between them the same.

In the previous lesson we used our A major scale to find our I- IV- and V-chord in the key of A and we explored how the chords function together. Now this concept is not specific to any one key. It's true for any set of chords that you build, like we did earlier, out of a major scale in any key. So let's take the key of C for example.

Now let's try our same example from the previous lesson, only in the key of C. Notice that the chords are different, but the mood of the progression and the relationship between the chords is still the same. C for 2 bars, which feels like home now, F for 2 bars which feels like venturing out the door and G for 2 bars, which feels like turning around back home. Finally we'll go back home for 2 bars. You're welcome to use any voicing of the F-chord that you want to.

Let's try this out with a simple backing track. This is simple stuff, so make sure to put all your attention on the function of each of the chord changes.

Lesson Info
I, IV and V