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Embellishing The Cowboy Chords

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Now it's time to play through our practice tune with the backing track. Remember that it's always a good idea to watch a listen to me play it a couple of times, before you start playing along yourself.

I hope you've had fun with these embellishments. Most of us have our go-to embellishments that we use because we like the sound and because they're easy for us to use. That means you'll most likely end up using some of these more than others, and that's okay. Just remember to spend some time on each of them, because beyond their usefulness in actual music making they're also just great exercises in the basic mechanics of acoustic guitar playing. So every hour you spend on it helps you build a technical foundation that's helpful whether or not you ever use these particular embellishments again.

Lesson Info
Embellishing The Cowboy Chords