C add Chord

Now that you've learned the basic G-chord voicing that's going to form the foundation for our group of chords with common tones, let's add the first example of another chord that goes with it and shares those “common tones”.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Classic Chords With Common Tones
C add  Chord song notation

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Questions & Answers

8 months ago
In the tutorial "Embellishing The C chord", we learned that Cadd9 can be played by lifting up the middle finger in the open C chord shape. Is that Cadd9 and this Cadd9 the same? I am confused.
Mike Olekshy 8 months ago

Hello - thanks for the question! Yes, they are both Cadd9, just different voicings of the chord. For example, the voicing used in this lesson contains the notes (low to high) C E G D C. The voicing used in the "Embellishing the C chord" lesson contains the notes (low to high) C D G C E. You can see the notes that spell the chord are the same, but how they are played on the fretboard is different in each case.