Strumming Pattern Practice Tune

Now that you've hopefully gotten somewhat comfortable with the basic country strumming pattern at different tempos, let's try and use it in a simple little practice tune. For the first section, let's call it the "A-section", we'll start out by just playing full strums and letting the chord ring for 2 bars. Then after 8 bars of that we'll go to the next section, let's call it the "B-section", and for that we'll use our strumming pattern for 8 bars. Each section happens twice and then we end the practice tune on a big E-chord that we'll let ring!

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Basic Country Strumming
Strumming Pattern Practice Tune song notation
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Strumming Pattern Practice Tune By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

1 month ago
Why does the sheet music have 2 up strums at the first
Mike Olekshy 1 month ago

Hello - thanks so much for your question. Those first 2 strums of measure 3 are actually downstrokes. I realize this is confusing, but for the way that tab is written, a downstroke is shown with an 'up' arrow, since you start your strum on the low strum and end up on the high string. Hope this helps!!

1 month ago
Is there somewhere on the lessons page that tell me what to put my metronome on for practicing the lesson?
Mike Olekshy 1 month ago

Hello - thanks so much for your question! At the top of the notation tab - you'll see a quarter note symbol with an equal sign and then 160. This means, the example in the lesson is played at 160 bpm. To practice the example, you'll probably want to set your metronome much lower. There is no right or wrong answer here. Just set the metronome to a slow tempo where you can execute the example cleanly and all the way through. If you have trouble with this, it means you are still practicing too fast. Adjust according. Hope this helps!