Speeding It Up

Now that we've worked our way up to the full version of our basic country strumming pattern, let's speed it up a bit. Many country songs are a lot faster than what we've done so far, so it's important to be comfortable with this pattern at faster tempos. Later in the tutorial we'll talk about how you can gradually work up the tempo, but for now just focus on keeping the rhythm steady and your body relaxed.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Basic Country Strumming
Speeding It Up song notation
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Speeding It Up By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

1 month ago
I meant to ask about the tempo and the beat, or should I just concentrate on one or the other? Thanks
Mike Olekshy 1 month ago

Hello - thanks so much for your question! At this stage, it is much more important to make sure you are strumming the correct strums and lining up with the beat. As far as tempo is concerned, just make sure you are practicing at a slow tempo enough to be able to strum through the example correctly while staying in time. It is not as important to be able to play it as fast as the instructor right now. Use the speed buttons on the left side of the video frame to slow down the example for practicing. Hope this helps!