Play Song: Will The Circle Be Unbroken

Now it's time to play through this song, all the way through. As always I highly recommend that you watch and listen first without playing along, then play along with me as many times as you need to and finally I hope you'll play it many times after that completely by yourself.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Any Style
Play Song: Will The Circle Be Unbroken song notation

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Questions & Answers

1 month ago
I don't have a question, but a comment. This is my first time taking guitar lessons of this sort and I am thoroughly engage and enjoy this man's style of teaching. He is thorough, and clear. Love the dynamics lesson of this aged hymn. It was creative and easy for me to sing to. Even though I am self taught late in the game guitarist and don't consider myself a beginner but these lessons have helped me fill in some gaps in my learning that I was not aware were present in my playing Thank you. Looking forward to working through the lessons on this site. :)
Mike Olekshy 1 month ago

Hello - thanks so much for the kinds words! I will pass this along to Anders.

1 year ago
Not so much a question but a comment, I really enjoyed this lesson, but the one issue I have is that I don't know the words. It would be really helpful if they were included in the musical notation, or on the video. I found the first few times through I was struggling trying to remember the lyrics and that was impacting my playing. Anyway it's just a thought.
Josh Workman 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the feedback. I will send this to the GT staff.