Play Song: Searching High And Low

Now let's try this out with our virtual phantom band. As always I highly encourage you to just watch and listen at least once before you start playing along yourself.

I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial on root-chord strumming. Even in it's most basic form it sounds really powerful to separate the bass and the treble strings. Even when that separation isn't as crystal clear as it was when we played the root note completely by itself. This technique also opens up the door to some really powerful sounds down the road with moving bass lines, walk-ups and walk-downs, melodies on the bass strings and hopefully it'll provide some great motivation to start working a little bit more on your picking hand precision.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Root Chord Strumming
Any Style
Play Song: Searching High And Low song notation
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Play Song: Searching High And Low By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

4 days ago
This is more of a general question than specifically about this lesson: How fast should I be moving through the lessons? For instance, I can do the strumming pattern in this lesson with no problem, but I'm still not able to keep up with the speed of the cord transitions. I'm working on cord transition each day and getting a little faster, but I can see that it will take a long time before I can do cord transitions fast enough to match the rhythm of the lessons. Should each lesson be "mastered" before moving on? Thanks!
Mike Olekshy 3 hours ago

Hello, thanks so much for the question. We recommend only moving on to the next lesson when you understand the material presented and you can play along with the musical example slowly. In this case, it sounds like you have the strum down, and you're still working on faster chord changes - which is normal. Yes, you can go ahead and move on to the next lesson. Just make sure you keep practicing your chord changes slowly and consistently with lots of repetition. Hope this helps!