Play Song: All Mixed Up

Now let's try hear our song at full speed with the backing track.

The ultimate goal with any song you play is to know the parts so well that you can just relax and listen to the vocals while you play. This requires a lot of muscle memory and being super comfortable with the parts, so you won't get there right away. But as your overall skill level improves and you play the same song many times, you get there little by little.

It's just like riding a bike or driving a car. At first it requires your full and undivided attention, and then with enough practice it becomes something you can do without thinking about it. There is probably already something on the guitar that you can do without thinking much about it, and the goal is to little-by-little get all the other skills to that point as well.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Right Hand Practice Tune
Any Style
Play Song: All Mixed Up song notation
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Play Song: All Mixed Up By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

7 months ago
Hi all, which pentatonic scale might I use to improvise in the song? The song is in the key of E, but by trying out several pentatonic scales, I'd say Bm sounds good. Is that correct? Why?
Mike Olekshy 6 months ago

Hello and thanks so much for your question! Even though the song is considered to be in the key of E major, the more technical way to think of this song is that it is in the key of E minor (G, A, and D all belong to this key). E is the home chord of all the progressions, but just happens to be major. This is a common substitution with chord progressions. So with that in mind, Em pentatonic would be the best choice to improvise over it. Hope this helps!

11 months ago
What would be really useful is to see Auto Scroll enabled on all lessons. I find that without auto scroll I am waiting for the next notation to appear beneath Anders video which appears a fraction too late. Thanks.
Mike Olekshy 11 months ago

Hello - and thanks for your comment. The Auto Scroll for this lesson seems to be working fine for me. Perhaps close and re-open your browser or restart your computer. If that doesn't solve the problem - please reach out to [email protected] directly.