Play Song: Steppin' Out

Now it's time to try performing our instrumental song, and let's consider this the dress rehearsal. First you can play it along with me and then you should practice it completely by yourself several times after that.

I hope you feel somewhat comfortable with this song, and if you don't you can either spend some more time practicing it the way it is or you can simplify it any way you want to. The most important thing is that you try performing it for someone; even if it isn't exactly how I played it here.

Nerves are an inescapable part of playing music, and it's something that we all need to practice just like anything else. For some people, it can feel absolutely terrifying at first, but then it's also equally exciting when you realize the mistakes didn't kill anyone and you got through the performance. Some people are so nervous they make a ton of mistakes, and other people don't care as much. Whatever your situation is, I hope you'll go find out with this piece. And if you're the person who gets really nervous, don't worry. It gets so much easier with practice! Have fun with it!

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Chords And Melody Practice Tune
Any Style
Play Song: Steppin' Out song notation

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Questions & Answers

2 months ago
Hi, i been practising this song for over a week now, and i still cant keep along with Anders without making several mistakes. I guess my "Strum chords mindset" and "Pick notes mindset" dont get along very well together yet. :( Should i just "keep at it" untill i get the song totally right, or just move on to the next chapter?
Mike Olekshy 2 months ago

Hello - thanks so much for your question! I suggest continuing with practicing along with Anders, but drop the speed (using the speed buttons on the left frame of the video) down to 90% and 75%. Playing through the exercise slower should give you a bit more time to make the performance smoother and more error-free. That said - it's okay to move on to the next chapter, but I would also suggest continuing to practice this song from time to time. Hope this helps!!

1 year ago
The notation is wrong on the second frame where you transition from the strummed E to a picked A It should be 2nd fret on the D string, then 2nd fret on the G then un fret on the B, then 1st on the B then 3rd. Actually looking closer I see that first picked note is in the first frame, but it is very confusing on the video player screen, as it isn't shown when you are playing it. Anyway I just thought I'd pass it along as I've had a pretty hard time figuring it out.
Josh Workman 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for getting in touch. I've passed this along to the Guitar Tricks staff.