Some people get into guitar because they want to sing and to be able to accompany themselves on the guitar. Others get into guitar exactly because they don't want to sing and instead they want to accompany other singers or play instrumentally. That's where I personally started. Regardless of which camp you find yourself in right now, it's extremely good for your guitar playing to try singing and playing at the same time.
If you find yourself resisting this idea because you don't believe you can sing, I can promise you that even if you never sing again after this chapter and never let anyone hear what we're working on, it will make you a better musician to follow along with me in these tutorials. And here's the best news: even if you're not the greatest singer and you purely have the courage to do it, people around you tend to love it either way.
So keep an open mind and let's get started on the incredibly important topic of playing and singing. In this first tutorial we'll explore the classic bluegrass song 'Will The Circle Be Unbroken', but we'll come at it with a less traditional approach. Let's get started!