Strings High E Through G

First let's break down the pattern on the top 3 strings. Let's start in the 3rd fret of the high E string with our ring finger, next we'll go 1st fret with our index finger, then we have the open E string.

The good news is that it's exactly the same frets on the B string. On the G string, we'll just go 2nd fret (with our middle finger) to the open G string.

Now we've played a full octave of the C major scale, but as you may or may not have noticed, we're not starting and ending on a C. In the previous tutorial we broke down the horizontal major scale and hopefully you remember that our C note is here in the 1st fret of the B string!

So in this pattern we're going from G to G, but still using all the notes of the C major scale: G A B C D E F G.

Now let's practice this pattern.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Open Position Major Scale
Any Style
Strings High E Through G song notation

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Questions & Answers

10 months ago
Hello. I am enjoying this course very much. I have a question about this lesson. You say this is a C major chord staring on G but It's in the Myxolidian mode, as far as I know. Is this not relevant in Guitar playing?
Mike Olekshy 10 months ago

Hello - thank you for the kind words and question! You are correct, if you play the C major scale from G to G, you could also think of it as the G mixolydian scale. But for the purposes of this lesson, It's better to think of it as playing notes from the C major scale, since you are finishing the exercise by playing the C chord. Learning about the modes comes much later (and is way beyond the scope of the Fundamentals Course), and is useful when soloing and improvising.