Play Song: One At A Time

Now it's time to try this out with the band. Watch without playing as many times as you need to, and then whenever you're ready, you can play along yourself.

I hope you've enjoyed this introduction to the wonderful world of arpeggiation. I know it's probably tricky right to find this kind of precision in your fretting hand, but just remember that if your fretting hand fingers do their job well, your picking can be all over the place and it'll still sound good.

So this is definitely one of those techniques, where you can almost pretend like you master it before you really do; because if you just keep using it, the precision will come eventually. And if you're inspired to really dig in and work on your picking precision, that's of course more than okay. As long as you remember that it's perfectly fine to move ahead without being able to nail every part of the arpeggiation pattern.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
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Play Song: One At A Time song notation
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Play Song: One At A Time By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

7 months ago
hello I would like to see the next chord before the tab changes, would you guys please do that ?
Mike Olekshy 6 months ago

Hello - thanks so much for the suggestion. We provide the tabs onscreen as well as in the Notation section of the lesson with auto-scroll as an added convenience. I recommend looking over the entire tab before you attempt to play along, and try to remember as much as you can - particulary the sections where you want to make note of the next chord. Hope this helps!

9 months ago
Hey guys! How long should I spend in this until moving on? Should I keep practicing until it's effortless or a certain percentage? Thank you
Mike Olekshy 7 months ago

Hello - thanks so much for your great question! You don't necessarily need to stick with the lesson until it's "effortless". Perhaps you could continue to practice the lesson exercise/song to get better at it, while moving on to the next lesson. Just make sure you fully understand the material presented in the lesson before moving on. Hope this helps!