A New Sixteenth Note Pattern

In this lesson I'm going to show you a more advanced sixteenth note based strumming pattern. Eventually you'll be able to mix up all the different strumming patterns you know, but in the beginning it's important to learn a bunch of different ones.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Rock Strumming: Take It Up a Notch!
A New Sixteenth Note Pattern song notation
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A New Sixteenth Note Pattern By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

8 months ago
I'm am confuse. I can't count 4 triplets. 4 triplets in one barre is 12 notes... and there are 11 notes! How can I count that barre?
Mike Olekshy 7 months ago

Hello - thaks so much for your question!! First off, these are not triplets. They are 16th notes - so every beat is divided into 4 subdivisions. The strum pattern in this lesson does not strum every possible 16th note. Let's take it one beat at a time. The first beat contains 3 strums - a downstroke then a down-up. The second beat contains 2 strums - both downstrokes -- (on 2 and the and-of-2). The third beat contains 2 strums - an up-down. The fourth beat contains 3 strums (same pattern as beat 1) - a downstroke then a down-up. So there are a total of 10 strums per bar. (note that the note shown on beat 3 is tied to the previous note, which means the chord is held over beat three - so there is no strum there). Hope this helps!!