Changing The Key

Since this pattern is so elaborate and specifically built over and an E-chord, you have to modify it a bit to change the key. Let me show you how it works!

First play the pattern in E. Now normally when we transpose something in the key of E, we can add our 1st finger barre, and then switch to using the 2nd 3 and 4th finger instead. This can technically be done, but it's so tricky with the pinky that I've never seen anyone do it.

Let's move up to a more comfortable spot like the 5th fret here. Now keep in mind that this is also awkward for almost anyone, so I think most players would find another alternative, but let's explore it nonetheless.

The simplest option, you just do the pattern without the alternating triad. And you can easily add the 1/5 bass.

As I'm sure you can feel, this is a bit of a workout on the barre-chord front, but it helps to release pressure immediately after the chord on beat 4.

Another option is to leave out the 1/5 bass and make it a dominant 7 chord, by letting the D string ring from the barre.

So now you have two options, when you move the pattern around- a basic one without the alternating triad and a more elaborate one without the 1/5 but with the bluesy dominant 7 note added. But don't feel bad if both of these are quite uncomfortable for you. They are for me as well!

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Next Level Travis Picking
Changing The Key song notation

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