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Recording Acoustic Guitar

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In this lesson we'll explore another classic type of condenser mic that is very popular for recording acoustic guitar. This type of microphone is known as the pencil condenser, because it's a condenser mic like you saw it in the previous lesson, but it's thin and long like a pencil.

In technical terms this is known as a small diaphragm condenser and the one from the previous lesson is called a large diaphragm condenser.

This mic also tends to require phantom power, so we'll make sure that's enabled. We'll use it the same way we used the previous mics pointed right at the 12th fret from about 8 inches away.

Now let's record our example, so you can hear what the acoustic guitar sounds through the condenser mics. Notice that we have a lot more, pretty treble now, which you'll notice primarily in the sound of the pick against the strings. We also have a lot less of the midrange meat, meaning it's a bit harder to hear the actual notes that are being played, but it sounds nice. Here it goes!

Lesson Info
Recording Acoustic Guitar