Adding The Hammer-on

In this lesson we'll take our classic Travis Picking Pattern one step further, by adding a subtle, but effective embellishment. Start with the basic pattern that we pieced together in the previous lesson.

All we're going to add is that when we pluck the chord on beat 2, we'll remove our 1st finger, so the G-string rings open and then add it on the “and of 2”.

Notice that G is our minor 3rd, and G# is our major 3rd. So in a split second we're actually going from a minor chord to a major chord, which gives us that bluesy honky tonk sound.

It also sound kinda piano-y, because piano players can't bend notes like we can on guitar to get those bluesy in between notes. Therefore they'll do half-step embellishments like this instead.

Now let's practice the pattern so far, extra slowly with the metronome. Remember that the tempo I've picked may be too fast or to slow for you, so in that case you can just do the exercise on your own.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Next Level Travis Picking
Adding The Hammer-on song notation

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Questions & Answers

8 months ago
My hammer-on just doesn't sound
Mike Olekshy 7 months ago

Hello - thanks for your question! You may have to work on some exercises that drill this technique. Here's a good place to start: Hammer-ons can be tricky at first, so keep working on it and use exercises like the one above to drill and master the technique! Best of luck!