In the previous lesson we explored a whole new sound and vibe that we can get from using our open chords with the hammer-on embellishments and a different right hand approach. Now let's check out what sounds we can get if we throw some pull-offs into the mix.
As you know a hammer-on is a note that we don't pick with our right hand but only hear from the left hand finger hammering onto the fret. This should be more or less second nature by now.
A pull-off is the reverse of that where you hold a note, let's say it's the 2nd fret of the A-string with your 1st finger. Then you pick the note and pull your finger off the string in such a way that it kinda snaps it on the way down. If you just lift it off you get very little volume. But now try to snap it. Let's try and use that within our example from the previous lesson.