Now that you've learned how to construct a simple hybrid picking pattern it's time to try applying the technique to the finger picking pattern you already know.
The idea is once again to use your pick for the notes you'd normally cover with your thumb. That means our 2nd finger we'll have to cover the G string and our 3rd finger will have to cover the B string.
This can be a little awkward, but it's a great reason to start getting your 3rd finger in shape. It'll come in handy whether or not you're ever planning on using hybrid picking.
Now let's try this extra slowly with the metronome. Remember that you can always do this exercise on your own with the metronome at any tempo that suits you!
Let's check out what it sounds like over the simple backing track from the previous lesson. And as I mentioned earlier, don't worry if you can't do it at this tempo yet. I'm mostly doing it as a demonstration of how nice it can sound with the hybrid picking, so that hopefully it'll motivate you to work it up to speed.