Slide For Position Change

Using a G minor pentatonic scale, we are going to use this scale in a blues context incorporating some position changing. This allows for us to see other possibilities within the scale and also puts us in a position to try new ideas. Let's try it slowly, than work it up to speed with a full backing track. Remember to use the A-B looping player below the video player if you need further assistance.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Mining the Minor Scale
Slide For Position Change song notation
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Slide For Position Change By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

7 months ago
Is it mote important to learn to play the lick correctly at full speed or the improvisation in the second half of this lesson? I feel like I'm struggling with both.
Mike Olekshy 6 months ago

Hello - thanks so much for your question! I would say it's more important to learn the lick taught in the lesson to the best of your ability - even if that means being able to play it at a slower tempo. The improvisation at the end of the lesson is more of a demonstration of how you can expand upon the lead ideas presented. Hope this helps!

8 months ago
At this point I realise I really need exercises to speed up my left hand fingers. I can play the licks but not nearly fast enough to follow along. Any idea's how to practice for speed?
Mike Olekshy 7 months ago

Hello, and thanks so much for your question! The only way to increase your speed is to continue to practice the licks at a comfortable, slow tempo where you can execute them correctly. Practice the lick over and over and over like this, and every few days, try to play it a bit faster. If you can play it correctly a bit faster, then continue to repeat at the new tempo. If not, go back to the slower tempo and keep working! Eventually, you'll get faster and faster using this method!

1 year ago
Are you muting the D string after playing the 5th fret while moving up to the A string 5th fret?
Mike Olekshy 11 months ago

Hello - thanks for your question. Yes Anders is muting the D string with his index finger resting on it when he moves to fret that note on the A string.