Turn It Around: Conclusion
Now you have a better understanding of some new turnarounds you can integrate into your playing. Like I mentioned, playing these turnarounds demonstrates that you know what your doing and also shows that you know where you are in the form. Take the time to review all these examples, and as always reach out into your own musical world to find more turnaround licks. Now go practice!
Chapter 1: From The Crossroads: More Blues Lead
Tutorial: Less Notes, More Blues!
Tutorial: Less Notes, Even More Blues!
Tutorial: Building a Blues Lick
Tutorial: Owning Your Blues Licks
Tutorial: Mining the Minor Scale
Tutorial: Breakin' In the Blues Scale
Chapter 2: The Three Kings
Tutorial: The Albert King Style
Tutorial: The B.B. King Style
Tutorial: The Freddie King Style
Chapter 3: Creative Techniques
Tutorial: Blues Phrasing
Tutorial: Blues Vibrato
Tutorial: Blues Creative Bending
Chapter 4: More From The Crossroads
Tutorial: Additional Techniques in Blues Soloing
Tutorial: Targeting Chord Tones
Tutorial: Blues Soloing Over Other Styles
Tutorial: Blues Slide Guitar Techniques
Tutorial: Blues Workouts
Tutorial: Elements of Better Blues Musicianship
Chapter 5: Rhythm, Turnarounds, and Alternative Forms
Tutorial: Blues Rhythm Riffs
Tutorial: Advanced Blues Rhythm Techniques
Tutorial: Blues Turnarounds
Tutorial: Alternative Blues Forms
Chapter 6: Regional Blues Styles
Tutorial: Delta Blues
Tutorial: Chicago Blues
Tutorial: Texas Blues
Tutorial: New Orleans Blues
Tutorial: Jazz Blues
Tutorial: British Blues