Lesson 2: Tone, Touch, and The Box
One of the unique things about Albert King was that he played a right handed guitar left handed. This enabled him to bend the guitar strings very aggressively in a way that most of us cannot do. Through the years though players have found ways to play his licks in different places on the guitar neck, and in this tutorial I will teach you to do the same.
Chapter 1: From The Crossroads: More Blues Lead
Tutorial: Less Notes, More Blues!
Tutorial: Less Notes, Even More Blues!
Tutorial: Building a Blues Lick
Tutorial: Owning Your Blues Licks
Tutorial: Mining the Minor Scale
Tutorial: Breakin' In the Blues Scale
Chapter 2: The Three Kings
Tutorial: The Albert King Style
Tutorial: The B.B. King Style
Tutorial: The Freddie King Style
Chapter 3: Creative Techniques
Tutorial: Blues Phrasing
Tutorial: Blues Vibrato
Tutorial: Blues Creative Bending
Chapter 4: More From The Crossroads
Tutorial: Additional Techniques in Blues Soloing
Tutorial: Targeting Chord Tones
Tutorial: Blues Soloing Over Other Styles
Tutorial: Blues Slide Guitar Techniques
Tutorial: Blues Workouts
Tutorial: Elements of Better Blues Musicianship
Chapter 5: Rhythm, Turnarounds, and Alternative Forms
Tutorial: Blues Rhythm Riffs
Tutorial: Advanced Blues Rhythm Techniques
Tutorial: Blues Turnarounds
Tutorial: Alternative Blues Forms
Chapter 6: Regional Blues Styles
Tutorial: Delta Blues
Tutorial: Chicago Blues
Tutorial: Texas Blues
Tutorial: New Orleans Blues
Tutorial: Jazz Blues
Tutorial: British Blues