Lesson 6: Turnaround

Albert King, like our other kings of the blues, had a unique way to approach the turnaround in a 12 bar blues. His approach was to play his minor pentatonic blues licks from the I chord up a whole step. This outlines the notes of a V9 chord, which gives his licks a very unique and fresh sound. Let's take a look at how we can approach this idea and make it our own.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
The Albert King Style
Lesson 6: Turnaround song notation
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Lesson 6: Turnaround By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

4 months ago
I'm so confused about when to start playing turn-around lick. I'm not getting at which bar and also how to keep track of bars w.o trying or thinking like naturally I mean.
Mike Olekshy 4 months ago

Hello - and thanks so much for your question! The turnaround starts in Bar 9 of the 12 bar blues form - which is when the progression goes to the V chord for the first time. The turnround continues through to the last bar (12th bar) of the progression. You might have to count the bars at first to know where you are at in the form, but eventually, after you've played through 12 bar blues alot, you'll feel it naturally and won't have to count. But this comes with lots of practice - keep at it!