Lesson 5: Bending Like The King

Bending and vibrato are also tricks on the guitar that BB King is known to play very uniquely. In this example, we are going to look at a lick that utilizes his signature high E string bending approach. Remember, at the end we will jam together using this lick along with some ideas of our own. Let's get bending!

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
The B.B. King Style
Lesson 5: Bending Like The King song notation
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Lesson 5: Bending Like The King By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

3 months ago
What key or pentatonic scale does this lesson use? The notes look more like the Albert King box than B.B.'s.
Mike Olekshy 3 months ago

Hello - thanks for your question! Anders playing out of a Bb major pentatonic box (root is 11th fret of the B str), but adding notes from the minor pentatonic scale as well. This is a common approach in blues. Hope this helps!