Breakin' Down the Classic Blues Riff

In this lesson I'll break down the classic blues riff for you. We'll talk about the left hand muting, right hand picking and finally try it out with a blues backing track!

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Making The 12 Bar Form Sound Like Blues
Breakin' Down the Classic Blues Riff song notation
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Breakin' Down the Classic Blues Riff By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

2 weeks ago
Hello 👋 When Andres plays the riff, the notes ring shorter compared to mine. It's like his version is more of "ta tadam" but mine the notes keep ringing. Is he muting the strings somehow? Thanks.
Mike Olekshy 1 week ago

Hello - thanks so much for your question! In the playthrough of the example near the end of the video, Anders is not using any kind of muting. He's strumming and letting the notes ring out. Perhaps you're strumming a little too hard? Anders is using a medium dynamic strum that is concentrated on the A and D strings. Go slow with the riff, and make sure you're not strumming too hard and you're only strumming the A and D strings. Hope this helps!

3 months ago
Glory Days...mind blown!
Mike Olekshy 3 months ago

Thanks so much for your comment!! Haha - yes, the Glory Days riff uses this idea!

5 months ago
When playing the A6 chord 04 do you keep your fingers on the 2nd fret,D string?
Mike Olekshy 5 months ago

Hello - thanks so much for your question! You don't necessarily have to keep your finger on the 2nd fret of the D string when fretting the 4th fret. This is optional. If it's easier to fret the 4th fret by lifting your index finger off the 2nd fret, then go right ahead.