Introducing The Turnaround

At the end of the 12 bar form we go to the V chord to get ready to start the form all over again. This part is called the "turnaround", and it's a great place to show that you really know what's going on by playing what's called a "turnaround lick". In this lesson I'll show you a very simple example of this, so you can hear how it works!

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Intro to the 12 Bar Form In Blues
Introducing The Turnaround song notation
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Introducing The Turnaround By Anders Mouridsen

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Questions & Answers

3 months ago
Can I shift this down to the 5th & 6th strings if I want to use this turnaround in the key of E? Thanks.
Mike Olekshy 3 months ago

Hello -thanks for your question! Yes - shifting the exact turnaround riff down a string set to the low E and A string will transpose the riff into the Key of E.