Learn the Song 'What Love Can Do'

In this lesson, we'll put the key of D to work by learning to play the song 'What Love Can Do'.

Remember, you'll find the lyrics and chords under the 'Image' tab below the video, and you can print them out by going to the 'Print Lesson' tab.

(And guess what: there's NO Bm in this song! Yay!)

So, first we will preview the song structure.

Then I will play it for you, so you can hear where we are headed.

And finally, we'll do a full play-along with the band!

NOTE: In this video, at approximately 3:38, I state that the pre-chorus consists of four measures of A. This is a mis-statement on my part. The pre-chorus is actually FIVE measures of A. You will see that reflected correctly in the chart below, and you will hear it in the context of the song.

You will probably want to print out the music for this so you can follow along.

And don't worry if it takes a while before you can keep up with the whole song. That can be a big challenge!

Just remember, you can always practice it on your own, at a much slowed-down pace.
Practice each section on its own. Break it into smaller bits.

And, when you are playing along with me, remember that if you make a mistake or get lost, just relax, hang back, and wait for a good place to jump in and join me again.

Have fun with this!

GT Lyrics & Chart: What Love Can Do


||: D / D / G / G :||

/ D / D / G / G /
/ D / D / G / G /
/ D / D / G / G /
/ D / D / G / G /

/ A / A / A / A / A /

/ D / G / D / G /
/ D / G / A / A /
/ D / G / A / A /
/ D / G / A / A /

/ D / D / G / G /
/ D / D / G / G /
/ D / D / G / G /
/ D / D / G / G /

/ A / A / A / A / A /

/ D / G / D / G /
/ D / G / A / A /
/ D / G / A / A /
/ D / G / A / A /

/ Em / Em / A / A /
/ Em / Em / A / A /

/ D / G / D / G /
/ D / G / A / A /
/ D / G / A / A /
/ D / G / A / A /

End on D



Its so good to see you happy
So good to see you so alive
Its been a long dark passage
Through a long hard time

You didn't know if youd ever get here
Clear on through to the brighter side
But today you can look back and say
Your new life has arrived

And I can see she makes you happy
And you make her happy too

Aint it some kind of miracle
Aint it some kind of miracle
Aint it some kind of miracle
What love can do

Sometimes it only seems impossible
That our lives could ever change
We stay tied to the unrepairable
Long beyond the expiration date

Paralyzed by the nightmare
Of untangling our lives
From the comfort zone of what we've known
To the wide uncharted skies

Now I can see she makes you happy
And you make her happy too

Aint it some kind of miracle
Aint it some kind of miracle
Aint it some kind of miracle
What love can do

I love to see the spirit sparkle in your eyes
I love to see you free your sweet and easy smile

Aint it some kind of miracle
Aint it some kind of miracle
Aint it some kind of miracle
What love can do

Words and Music (c)2014, Lisa McCormick.
All Rights Reserved.

Instructor Lisa McCormick
Playing Songs in the Key of D
Any Style
Learn the Song 'What Love Can Do' song notation
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Learn the Song 'What Love Can Do' By Lisa McCormick

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