My biggest idol is Slash which alot of you may know, and he uses alot of hammer ons and pull-offs. He is ''legato'ish'' in his playing.
Then i watched a video with John Petrucci which is an amazing alternate speedpicker. Now this is where i want this thread to go.
Do you guys think every player is somewhat predetermined to head off in a certain direction with their playing style.?
for example i turn alot more towards the legato part of the picking and fast playing spectrum. Like Slash. But i envy the guys that can play super fast alternating picked stuff. But somehow i have never been able to imagine myself being a speedpicker... Also my brain seems to struggle with that kind of synchronized left hand/ right hand coordination. For that reason i have never really begun on the journey to becomming a better speedpicker, because it seems like i don't get anywhere when i try to practice those kinds of things... I want to be able to do fast alternate picking, but i can't really seem to get it together.
So that is why i thought that maybe your in some sense predetermined to head off in a certain direction with your playing?
I also saw a video with BB King saying that he was ''not blessed with fast hands''... maybe he also kinda sensed where his playing style were grounded.
Let me know what you guys think about this :)