Originally Posted by: haghj500maggior,
In your last Am post of you playing I made a comment that it seems like there is a 20 – 30 second clip of it that what you are playing was moving through you. The rest of it you seem to be thinking of what to play next. I bet when you listen back you can hear the part I am talking about and have already said to yourself, wow that was cool, how did I do that.
For me that only seems to happen when I stop thinking and stop telling my hands\body what to do, only then can what I am calling a force move through me.
I know exactly the part you are talking about. I could replicate playing it, but it was amazing that I would come up with that on-the-spot. It was also very smooth and flowing, as though everything just came together.
There are some parts I play with my band that I have consistency issues with, especially when playing with the band. I have discovered that if I either look up from the fretboard or lift my head and close my eyes, I can play the hard parts better and consistent. It's certainly counter intuitive!!!
I need to start trying that approach with improvised solos and see what happens.