In the movie "The Heist",that short actor(is he called Danny De Vito?)calls some Gebe Hackman,for playing him in a deal,a "contrary mother****er".I liked that term,and I'll use it here,of course minus the profanity.
You guys are contrary.
You say(although not in these words) that a "true" artist is the one who does their music coz people like it and the stay tha way.
A sell out,you say,is the guy tha does music,not to please the listeners.NO.To make money.That sonofabithch is not the type who stays true to his soul.he only does what sells.Here's why you're contrary:
How do you make money?
By selling.
And why do people buy music?
COZ THEY LIKE IT.Isn't "real","unsellout" music supposed to sell.Are masterpieces only supposed to be collecting dust somewhere in someone's attic?
Havind said that,as much as anyone would like to disagree,this whole sellout thing is very judgemental.And I won't deny,I'm a bit like that too.But me,I'm still learning,still growing up,still hearing people.I call it judgemental coz when you say that someone isn't being true to his art,do you know whatever inspired him to do the music that gave you the impressionof his true art,the music that gave you your definition of him?Most likely no.Do you know what inspired him to do the music he's done now,the music that makes you call him a sellout?Again most likely no.All he did was make some music that didn't please you.But how about the rest 5,999,999,999 of us?(ok,whatever figure of people who get to hear the music.If this figure has you wondering,the world's populaton is said to be 6 billion.1+ this figure equals 6 billion,duh!!)If the music still sells,it means there are others who like it.
O.K.maybe the record industry influences,through marketing,people's idea of what good music is(good,again,is a judgemental word).But hey,the idea is to please people.Which makes me think of a definition for a sell out:
Someone who,
lackingin talent,skill,creativity,whatever,produces some substandard
stuff and then through other means(as opposed to good quality)gets people to buy his music.
Point is,people's definition of good music is none of your business.If you don't like it,don't buy it.Change the station when it comes on air.Don't practice the riffs on your guitar.
And don't use terms on people,terms you can't define.And most of these terms for describing people,outside of things like tall,fat,rude,are just plain f***ing judgemental.
Whoever(James I think it was)started this thread was right;people use English very loosely.