View post (Define the word sell-out?)

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Joined: 07/11/00
Posts: 581
Joined: 07/11/00
Posts: 581
05/18/2002 6:15 pm
We're so quick to coin the phrase "sellout," when it comes to the recording artists of our generation, especially when they refuse to go according to plan. But I guess the question we should asking ourselves is whether we refuse to change, and naturally evolve, and become who ever it is that we're supposed to be?

We have trouble dealing with change in our lives sometimes, so we naturally try to make it hard for others. We can't always accept art for what it is, or a person's opinion without questioning if it's pretentious. I guess because a lot of the time, we have already made up our mind without proper investigation.

It's frustrates me when people cannot accept a different philosophy, it's bothers me when people refuse to take the time to learn how others think before passing judgement. Basically we end up missing out on a lot in our lives, because we're waiting to prove ourselves right instead of accepting that we're actually wrong sometimes.

It's simple, and then again we make it so difficult. We categorize everything that's meant to be enjoyed, instead of just naturally appreciating what's really there. Life is too short to question every second we experience on this earth.

I've always thought much differently than the average bear, :cool: but I've always tried not to judge others without thinking things through. I'm just not the type of person who easily makes up his mind when it comes to the personalities of others, the subconscious workings of the mind.

I never let first impressions take over my better judgement. Now we can't expect to appreciate all different types of music, and the art that others have to offer. But it's rediculous to tear people apart, when there's obviously so much to learn. ...and that's what this thread is about, understanding why people use the term so loosely.

Basically, I'm sure we can all count how many times we have heard the word "Sellout" in the wrong context...

-Joseph :cool:
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."