View post (Define the word sell-out?)

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Joined: 08/10/01
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Joined: 08/10/01
Posts: 882
05/19/2002 4:13 pm
lol bards, it's not a judgement... it's an oppinion, the one that plays a big role in whether you enjoy thier music or not...
yes, ofcourse there sell out who still make good music, but the general trend is that music with money as it's main goal sounds very contrived, and not very real... i admit "real" is a very elusive, and possibly even non existant...
WIth a brick layer, he lays bricks as he has learnt to. With music, it's ALL about creativity... you can still be creative with some restrictions (and this can actualy help in some cases), but it shouldn't affect the creativity, and lead the artist, to simply re-arrange some old clichies.
If a writer cant be creative and imaginitive, he cant do his job well. But a brick layer (with all due respect) can. I mean that brick layer example works for musicains who play music written by some one else for a living (there's nothing wrong with that), but for poeple who write songs it doesn't quite match.

I have nothing against making music for money, but it's bands that start out honest sounding... then all of a sudden, they've got those awful alternative beards, pierced eye-brows, and pouring out not very original nu metal... that's what i dont enjoy, and so dont buy the cds...