like I said 98% of the time. either way, confidence shines through everything when you've got it, even a 1 inch penis. True enough that is pretty darn small compaired to the average, and probably couldn't satisfy most females, but if it's all you've got to work with, then learn how to use it to it's fullest.
# 1

I still cant imagine how a one inch penis can satisfy a woman no matter how hard that man tries. I think even the Kama Sutra has no answer for guys with a one inch penis. Hell, even a pinky is bigger than an inch. I wonder how Napoleon did it.
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 2
maybe the 1 incher's just have to resort to other methods to please a woman.
Anybody else have anything interesting to talk about besides penis size.....again.....
Anybody else have anything interesting to talk about besides penis size.....again.....
# 3

LOL i'm just kidding LOL
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 4

but again. how can u be confident if u have a one inch penis?
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 5

Mad elite dildo skills. And a strong tongue.
Just pretend you're a lesbian :)
Just pretend you're a lesbian :)
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 6
Originally posted by TheWizardisn't every one circumsized now a days? [/B]In my family, that's considered a form of [u]mutilation[/u]! :eek:So who here is circumsized?
# 7

# 8

By statistics half the guys you'll meet are smaller than you. I wouldn't worry about it.
Circumcision is just..wrong. I thank the good lord every time I see my penis it hasn't been chopped apart by some old guy for some bullshtuffit reason.
Well, not every time. Some kid in a swimming pool locker room once asked me what was wrong with my wiener and in all seriousness the only reason I didn't force his head through the shower drain and stomp on it until he threw up or passed out was because my brother was there.
I will say this, though. Male circumcision is way better than femal circumcision. They shouldn't be called the same thing.
Ok, back on subject..what do you say to a girl to ask her about having sex? I can't think of anything that wouldn't sound cheesy or messed up or wouldn't make me look like a jerk.
Circumcision is just..wrong. I thank the good lord every time I see my penis it hasn't been chopped apart by some old guy for some bullshtuffit reason.
Well, not every time. Some kid in a swimming pool locker room once asked me what was wrong with my wiener and in all seriousness the only reason I didn't force his head through the shower drain and stomp on it until he threw up or passed out was because my brother was there.
I will say this, though. Male circumcision is way better than femal circumcision. They shouldn't be called the same thing.
Ok, back on subject..what do you say to a girl to ask her about having sex? I can't think of anything that wouldn't sound cheesy or messed up or wouldn't make me look like a jerk.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 9
# 10
F*** it dude, just blatantly spit it out. Hell, I bet if she's actually willing to get dirty with you, such blatant idiocy wouldn't change her opinion.
# 11

Yeah, but if she wasn't willing you know how girls talk about those things. About anything, really.
Never underestimate the level of community of people who don't even piss without a group for support or whatever the hell they do in there.
Never underestimate the level of community of people who don't even piss without a group for support or whatever the hell they do in there.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 12

I've never had to ASK a girl to have sex with me... granted, I've only had sex with 3 girls ever (hey, I'm 19, give me a break), but it's always "just happened".
I have a simple plan you can follow...
1) Actually like the girl for who she is. Be able to hold a conversation with her. Want to be with her in a non-sexual manner. Go out on a few dates.
2) Invite her to your house and cook her a meal or watch TV together, a movie, or something, just be alone together.
3) (I'm assuming by this point you can hold her hand or put your arm around her) Arm around her, play with her hair so softly she can barely feel it, caress her neck gently. Other hand - gently stroke her arm and thigh close to her knee. If she responds to this in a good manner (she rubs you back), keep going and see where it leads. If she seems uncomfortable, withdraw and just watch the movie. Make sure you have steps 1 and 2 down if she seems uncomfortable. Eventually you'll "just happen" to kiss and things will snowball from there.
Tips: If you focus on making her happy (both sexually and non) she'll focus on making you happy.
Bonus Info: Massages tend to turn into oral/sex at a surprising rate (but don't expect it, just be happy if it does)
I have a simple plan you can follow...
1) Actually like the girl for who she is. Be able to hold a conversation with her. Want to be with her in a non-sexual manner. Go out on a few dates.
2) Invite her to your house and cook her a meal or watch TV together, a movie, or something, just be alone together.
3) (I'm assuming by this point you can hold her hand or put your arm around her) Arm around her, play with her hair so softly she can barely feel it, caress her neck gently. Other hand - gently stroke her arm and thigh close to her knee. If she responds to this in a good manner (she rubs you back), keep going and see where it leads. If she seems uncomfortable, withdraw and just watch the movie. Make sure you have steps 1 and 2 down if she seems uncomfortable. Eventually you'll "just happen" to kiss and things will snowball from there.
Tips: If you focus on making her happy (both sexually and non) she'll focus on making you happy.
Bonus Info: Massages tend to turn into oral/sex at a surprising rate (but don't expect it, just be happy if it does)
"You must stab him in the heart with the Bone Saber of Zumacalis... well, you could stab him in the head or the lungs, too... and the saber, it probably doesn't have to be bone, just anything sharp lying around the house... you could poke him with a pillow and kill him."
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Universal Re-Monster
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Universal Re-Monster
# 13

Three girls by 19 isn't too shabby, although some of the more conservative people here might not be fond of the idea.
-I have seriously not had a friend who was not female since about freshman year high school. They've all been girls. I'm comfortable being friends with females, that's my entire experience with them. Girls I can talk to easily, I don't have any problem being around them. See my first post in this thread for more details. My problem is I don't know what it's like being with girls in anything but a non-sexual manner.
-I live in a college dorm and I don't have a tv. I never have had a tv besides an old one my parents have sitting around somewhere that has all the cables in back severed (no display). My cooking is good, even legendary in some things (like my bacon), but all I have to cook with right now is a plastic fork, a knife, an old microwave that smells infected, and a community stove in some public lounge somewhere on campus I can never remember. No dishes, unless you count all the styrofoam cups sitting around from the coffee shop I work at.
Just a side tangent, how the hell does anyone ever become friends with other guys? It's always an uncomfortable and tense situation for me being around guys, I dont' know why. I can't relate to any guys I've ever met in any way, I don't understand them or when I do it's the things that shouldn't happen, I feel like a third gender or something.
I shouldn't post on forums when I'm tired like this early AM. Oops.
-I have seriously not had a friend who was not female since about freshman year high school. They've all been girls. I'm comfortable being friends with females, that's my entire experience with them. Girls I can talk to easily, I don't have any problem being around them. See my first post in this thread for more details. My problem is I don't know what it's like being with girls in anything but a non-sexual manner.
-I live in a college dorm and I don't have a tv. I never have had a tv besides an old one my parents have sitting around somewhere that has all the cables in back severed (no display). My cooking is good, even legendary in some things (like my bacon), but all I have to cook with right now is a plastic fork, a knife, an old microwave that smells infected, and a community stove in some public lounge somewhere on campus I can never remember. No dishes, unless you count all the styrofoam cups sitting around from the coffee shop I work at.
Just a side tangent, how the hell does anyone ever become friends with other guys? It's always an uncomfortable and tense situation for me being around guys, I dont' know why. I can't relate to any guys I've ever met in any way, I don't understand them or when I do it's the things that shouldn't happen, I feel like a third gender or something.
I shouldn't post on forums when I'm tired like this early AM. Oops.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 14

Originally posted by the fool
I still cant imagine how a one inch penis can satisfy a woman no matter how hard that man tries. I think even the Kama Sutra has no answer for guys with a one inch penis. Hell, even a pinky is bigger than an inch. I wonder how Napoleon did it.
It doesnt matter, the only person I am concerned about satisfying is ME! JK iHolly....I am on my second marriage and I have 2 kids, You dont have to worry about the size of your unit but I can tell you no amount of confidence is gonna make it look bigger. Hitler only had one ball and he got laid. Soooo, My lesson for the kiddies today, just keep that thing active and know that you will never wear a girls UHUM out. It is like the worlds fair, it gits bigger and better every year.
You are only coming through in waves, your lips move but I cant hear what you're saying.:cool:
# 15

Hell I think scotland is way different lol, you dont ask for sex, if you want it you just get in a car and cruise the promonade! ANd I dont mean hookers!
This is a cool thread, really getting to know you guys better :)
About the female friends thing if your a guy. I go to pubs and play pool with my male pals but for jus chilling in my house I always prefer a female pal. Women are cooler to chill with on your own!
This is a cool thread, really getting to know you guys better :)
About the female friends thing if your a guy. I go to pubs and play pool with my male pals but for jus chilling in my house I always prefer a female pal. Women are cooler to chill with on your own!
# 16

Originally posted by Death55
Nice stories. I enjoyed them a lot. Maybe you should write a book on sex stories ;)
I'll go out on a limb and assume it's me you're talking too,and go ahead and say thank you,as you are supposed to say when somebody says something nice of you.
I dunno about writing,although some dude once wrote me(a complete stranger who just happened on my site) suggested I should quit physics(which I did,tho not coz he said,it had been coming all along)and take up writing.I once won a consolation prize as a kid in a story writing competerion in a national children's magazine.One of my primary school(grade school to Americans) English teachers once accused me of plagiarism,coz the story I'd written was too good to have been my own.So maybe there just might be some talent there.I'll look into it one day.
About circumcision:
I like the way my penis looks after getting the cut.Straight,nice and shaped for its work.Or maybe it's coz it did get bigger after I got circumsized(I was 13 going to 14) and I attribute the size gain to the operation.But I have no beef with it.
# 17

# 18

This thread is going just like it's title.Fast and furious to begin with,then it just dies out.
# 19

just like sex LOL
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 20