a moral dilemma

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01/23/2003 8:26 am
I was a victim of bullying when I was a kid in school.And it wasn't your usual small stuff bullying.It was serious.So much so that I don't talk to that kid(he's an adult now,duh!!),tho' he kinda looks and acts remorseful(he tried for quite a while to get friendly with me,but I just wasn't moved.Or maybe it's my subconsciuos wishing he feels sorry for what he did to me,and I end up interpreting a simple hi as a sign of remorse).Other kids who were in my class still remember how it was...
Anyway,my point is that,in retrospect,it may have helped me if I had a big brother in school to protect me.I may not have suffered at his hands.But doing this would not have taught me what rebelling against the bully taught me,coz I(and the rest of the boys in the class did rebel,eventually).I learnt that it's all mental.It's simply about having the mental strength to stand up to somebody.We stood up against him,and it worked.
Working to topple an oppressive govt. is being big brother.It may help in the short term.It doesn't in the long term.It doesn't build the people's character.It doesn't develop their ability to take their destiny into their own hands.
At the end of the day,life is about taking your own destiny into your own hands.Self determination.True freedom.When you're truly free,nobody tells you how to run our country.No one helps you deal with bad govt.Or with floods,or famine or what have you.You deal with your own ****,and ask for help when you feel you need help.From someone who respects you.
There's thousands od homeless people in The USA.How come no one is telling Bsh how to deal with it?How would Bush feel if some foreign govt.,which is militarily and economically mightier tried to force his govt. to spare,say,8B $,to help america's homeless?
I think Bush is a guy who's leading a country that is in relatively good shape,and can't find any real "tough"(he is texan,right?)macho decisions to make.
A war would make him look like he dealt with this huge crisis...blah.......
In situations where intervention is really needed,you see a lot of cross-border agreement,which you don't see here.

# 1
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01/23/2003 10:48 am
Originally posted by Raskolnikov

I don't like war, I don't like fighting, and I hate to see people suffer. However, let's look at our options with Iraq:
1). Leave things as are. Maybe contain Saddam Hussein to Iraq, maybe not. Definately see a lot more Iraqis on the street suffer and die under sanctions.
2). Lift sanctions with Saddam Hussein still in power and pretend his past never happened. Face a nuclear, chemically, and biologically armed dictator with eyes on domination of the entire region (Israel included) within a few years.
3). Remove Saddam Hussein from power.

No body wants Saddam to stay in power , everybody knows how bad is he (to his own people more than anybody else) ...

But having only one or two major countries removing him by military power isn't a good idea bec of the following:
1- Innocent people will suffer , others will die.
2- In case of total invasion , Saddam might use the weapons he is claimed to have (if he still have any).
3- The world's economy isn't in good shape to take the consequences of starting such a war ... A lot of countries (specialy in the middle east) will suffer economicaly from such a war.
4- Increasing the number of people who hate the U.S. for it's imperialist policies , so you'll have to deal with new Bin Ladens (not specificaly islamic) that such war would creat.

There must be other solutions that are more peacefull than war ...
With the UN inspectors in Iraq , there is no fear that Saddam would develope mass-destruction weapons...
So the UN can force Iraq to pay from oil funds to establish aiding UN organization inside Iraq to help civilians .
Also they can force Saddam's regiem to make political corrections, that will lead to his removal (with no bloodshed) someday.

I'm pretty sure that politically the U.S. has got much more to do in this case , along with the UN .

War is just an EASY , but VERY PAINFULL solution .
# 2
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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01/23/2003 6:07 pm
Very interesting debate. Too bad EducatedFilm isn't around.

Originally posted by Azrael
peace CAN NOT be brought to life with War!

Peace through superior firepower.

# 3
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01/23/2003 7:35 pm
Originally posted by Azrael
Originally posted by Raskolnikov
No nation is blameless and no people can honestly claim their hands to be bloodless. As such, slinging accusations of "Well, you did ______!" back and forth are a waste of time and effort (Ireland vrs. England, Israel vrs. Palestine, Red Socks vrs. The Yankees, etc). Nobody is pure enough to win that argument.

So this is how you justify whats going on right now? nobody said that the rest of the world is withouth sin. but as you stated earlier "learn from the past" - but now you (not you personally of course *L*) are going to make the same mistakes again. What do you think will happen? Bush bashes iraq. fine. then iraq is under american dictators. and that will make bad blood again for do you realy think the iraq population will cheer at you when you march in? what building will be next hit by terrorists? or maybe a little biological weapon set free in Washington?

peace CAN NOT be brought to life with War! i wonder how may centuries it will take untill mankind will understand this.. if it will last that long.

The point is that by your criteria, nobody is "pure" enough to take action against anybody else for any reason.

Next, asserting that removing a dictator who has broken the terms ending a war from power then allowing his former subjects to choose their own government would be an "American Dictatorship" is a bit rediculous. Are Germany and Japan "American Dictatorships today?" No. Is South Korea? No. Is Yugoslavia? No. Is Afghanistan? No. Noticing a pattern yet? I don't want to completely crap on your feelings about this, but you talk as if there isn't another side to this, and is if doing nothing will make everything better. It won't.

Do I think the Iraqi people will welcome an American invasion? Some obviously won't. Iraqi defectors tell us that most of the Iraqi people want Saddam gone, but are too afraid to do anything about it. The Shi'ia Muslims and Kurds have suffered even more persicution at his hands then the Sunni majority - I can't see them being too upset about his removal.

What building will be hit next by terrorists? I have no idea. Will I die in a firey car accident on my way home from work tonight? I don't know. Does that mean I should quit my job and never leave home?
Basing one's actions completely on what some people might do in retaliation rather than what one thinks is right is no way to live our lives.

Finally, will never be maintained if the good people of the world always turn and run from a fight. There are too many people who will exploit that to their own benefit. Saddam Hussein is very much one of those people and to pretend otherwise is to be completely ignorant of history.

Well, my lunch break is over - I'll come back to some other points when I've got time.
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# 4
Gargoyle Instructor
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01/24/2003 8:04 am
Originally posted by Raskolnikov
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Raskolnikov
Finally, will never be maintained if the good people of the world always turn and run from a fight. There are too many people who will exploit that to their own benefit. Saddam Hussein is very much one of those people and to pretend otherwise is to be completely ignorant of history.

Well first - WHO supplied this region with weapons in the first place? wasnt it the US? In the Kuwait war, why did the US leave Saddam on the head if Iraq? because he, as such, is the one who stands against an independend Kurdistan - and that is good for the relations between the US and Turkey.

The truth is, that this all is not about peace in this region. The US is not interrested in peace there. this is only an excuse to make the US look like the big saviours. all the actions of the US in this region are about economic interrests. no wonder that those people hate kapitalism. To deny this fact, THAT whould be ignorant!

With their engagement in the conflict between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan, the US (in particular the CIA) did not do anything for peace INTENTIONALLY. instead of staying out of it all they sent weapons to Afganistan - weapons that are now aimed towards the US! After the Soviets left afganistan, the US dropped them and stopped to care about the consequences of their activities in that region. great policy. back then the afganistan people had to pay with their lives for the political calculus of the US. The US supplied the fundamentalists with weapons that they used against their own people and now agaist the US (Taliban). Thats sheer madness.

The US has always been great in blaming others for their own fault. You can realy be proud of your Number One.

of course it is easy to claim that they are now doing it all for the sake of humanity and peace.

And as for 'you cannot maintain peace if you run away from a fight because someone WILL abuse your peacefullness'.... thats the next madness. protecting oneself against an invisible enemy "someone might attack me - now lets make heaps of weapons, bigger and more dangerous" - great point. Now the next country sees this and thinks "oh sh*t - now they are so powerfull they might attack me - i have to build weapons like this too".. sounds familliar somehow? cold war? no? this is PARANOIA!

if everyone would live their OWN lives and lived on the principle "no war - war will not make peace" THEN problems like this would not arise.

Its a funny that the same thing that makes mankind evolve, will be their doom.. curiosity and greed.
But maybe the humans are not smart enough to change their point of view. so be it.

[Edited by Azrael on 01-24-2003 at 02:07 AM]

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# 5
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01/24/2003 1:48 pm
Originally posted by Azrael
...And as for 'you cannot maintain peace if you run away from a fight because someone WILL abuse your peacefullness'.... thats the next madness. protecting oneself against an invisible enemy "someone might attack me - now lets make heaps of weapons, bigger and more dangerous" - great point. Now the next country sees this and thinks "oh sh*t - now they are so powerfull they might attack me - i have to build weapons like this too".. sounds familliar somehow? cold war? no? this is PARANOIA!

Absolutely agree with your points , just wanted to add that now things are going further than that ... Now they're not only manufacturing weapons for safety against an invisible enemy , they're planning to use these weapons in advance , so that they make sure that the claimed enemy never enjoy the first strike... Very sickening, isn't it?
And in the future it will be so easy for the U.S. to attack any country that oppose the U.S. economicaly for example , and the U.S. will just have to claim that they have SECRET infromation that this country was planing to attack the U.S. in the near future.
# 6
Dejan Sajinovic
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01/24/2003 3:02 pm
It´s funny how americans helped talibans (mudjehedin´s) fight against Sovjet by sending them weapons and troops ´cause they didn´t want to agree with sovjets that talibans are bad ´cause of all that rival thing. Soonly all west world knew that Sovjets were terorizing poor children and woman of Afganistan, just take a look and one of Stallone´s Rambo movies.

But when the table turned and USA realized that taliban´s weren´t so great, the chased they a*sses down and west civilization didn´t care much about talibans. They were killers, terorists but what Bush didn´t mentiond was the alians with the Afganistan´s a couple years ago. I don´t know I´m not an american but I doubt that a lot of american people don´t even know sovjets struggle against talibans and american´s. All they know is probably what they seen on one of Rambo movies.

When Yugoslavia comes in the picture, yesterday I saw a documentary film about Milosevic´s decay. Now I don´t say that he was a bright person but one thing he said in Haag hit me rally ´cause it was 110% true.

He said:

"Serbian soldiers goes 80 km´s from home to die for they country but your soldiers (by that he mean Bush´s soldiers) goes 8.000 km from theyr home to die and kill serbian man, woman and children and destroy evryting that we once fought for and created after second World War II."

I wouldn´t like to be a parent off a young american boy who is called by Bush to go and fight for him on the other side of earth just for Bush´s interest. And if my kid would get killed in Bush´s meaningless war, I swear god, I would hunt him down and kill him.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 7
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01/25/2003 8:04 pm
Originally posted by Azrael
And as for 'you cannot maintain peace if you run away from a fight because someone WILL abuse your peacefullness'.... thats the next madness.

It's not 'next to madness' by any means, it's a simple recognition of human nature. There are some people in this world who have absolutely no problem with exploiting other's prejudices for their own gains, taking anything they please, and generally hurting anybody who gets in their way. Still don't beleive me? Look where being peaceful got Germany's Jewish population in the 1930s. Now imagine how different our world would be today if the United States had sat that one out. Now of course most of the people in this world just want to live their lives comfortably, freely, and with peace of mind The sad fact still remains that for this to be possible, people must be able and willing to defend themselves, and to defend others.
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01/25/2003 8:38 pm
Originally posted by SLY
No body wants Saddam to stay in power , everybody knows how bad is he (to his own people more than anybody else) ...

But having only one or two major countries removing him by military power isn't a good idea bec of the following:
1- Innocent people will suffer , others will die.
2- In case of total invasion , Saddam might use the weapons he is claimed to have (if he still have any).
3- The world's economy isn't in good shape to take the consequences of starting such a war ... A lot of countries (specialy in the middle east) will suffer economicaly from such a war.
4- Increasing the number of people who hate the U.S. for it's imperialist policies , so you'll have to deal with new Bin Ladens (not specificaly islamic) that such war would creat.

1). Innocent people in Iraq are suffering NOW
2). He plans on using them anyway
3). The world economy is very much linked to the US economy, isn't this war supposed to be about boosting the US economy, and if so shouldn't the world economy be boosted with it? (Such accusations of course always seem to omit the fact that war time economic boosts are invariably followed by economic depressions, then again that would destroy their agrument, wouldn't it?)
4). You say that like a significant ammount of people in this world like Saddam Hussein.

Originally posted by SLY
[QUOTE]There must be other solutions that are more peacefull than war ...
With the UN inspectors in Iraq , there is no fear that Saddam would develope mass-destruction weapons...
So the UN can force Iraq to pay from oil funds to establish aiding UN organization inside Iraq to help civilians .
Also they can force Saddam's regiem to make political corrections, that will lead to his removal (with no bloodshed) someday.

First off, inspections have failed. The Iraqi people are by no means stupid, their weapons scientists are very good at hiding installations and creating dual use facilities. Virtually every escaped Iraqi weapons scientist has said that Saddam has no intention of putting his WMD programs to rest and that his installations are so well hidden that they will only be found by accident -- if at all. The weapons inspections in place today are a joke. They're both a ploy by the Bush Administration to garner international support, and a ploy by the governments opposed to war in Iraq to buy some time to stop the war. If they by some means actually manage to do anything to end Iraq's WMD programs, it will be purely accidental. Saddam has had FOUR YEARS with no inspections of any kind to see to that.*

Second, how are we supposed to force Saddam to do anything? There are sanctions in place today designed to force him disarm and reform that have accomplished neither objective over the past decade, but have very effectively starved his people. How can we possibly force him to do anything without putting troops on the ground in Iraq? He obviously doesn't care that his people are suffering, otherwise he'd have put this behind all of us ten years ago. I'd really love to hear any ideas you might have on how to make Saddam do anything he doesn't wish to do that doesn't involve actual force of arms.

*Interesting side note: The air strikes President Clinton launched after Saddam expelled UN weapons inspectors from Iraq four years ago revealed a hanger with a few small unmanned aircraft on a military base apparantly designed to spread biological or chemical agents across troop formations. This hanger was hit accidently when a missle or bomb aimed at a known weapons facillity missed its intended target; the weapons inspectors had never known that the hanger or the aircraft existed.
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01/25/2003 8:43 pm
Originally posted by Dejan Sajinovic
When Yugoslavia comes in the picture, yesterday I saw a documentary film about Milosevic´s decay. Now I don´t say that he was a bright person but one thing he said in Haag hit me rally ´cause it was 110% true.

He said:

"Serbian soldiers goes 80 km´s from home to die for they country but your soldiers (by that he mean Bush´s soldiers) goes 8.000 km from theyr home to die and kill serbian man, woman and children and destroy evryting that we once fought for and created after second World War II."

How many mass graves have to be left at this man's feet before his words are placed in the correct context?

PS: Bill Clinton's troops fought Slobodon Milosevic's troops.
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01/25/2003 8:46 pm
A reccuring theme here is that the US supported Saddam Hussein at one time. It's true of course, but what I fail to understand is how this fact makes the US less responsible for fixing the problem we helped create.

Maybe I'm strange, but I was brought up to fix something if you break it.
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# 11
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01/25/2003 9:15 pm
Originally posted by Raskolnikov
A reccuring theme here is that the US supported Saddam Hussein at one time. It's true of course, but what I fail to understand is how this fact makes the US less responsible for fixing the problem we helped create.

Maybe I'm strange, but I was brought up to fix something if you break it.

Excuse me, but what makes you so sure that war will fix everything instead of spreading chaos all over the world , and hatred against the U.S. imperialism ?
And did you learn to sacrifice the lives of innocent people just to achieve your goals (Oil & Domination in this case) ?

And why is the U.S. insisting on this war ? why don't they just try to get rid of Saddam by any other peaceful way ? Is it just that they want to try new american weapons in real action , and use other weapons that will expire in few years if not used now?

Sorry for being a little rude , I don't mean to offend you personaly for sure .

[Edited by SLY on 01-25-2003 at 03:18 PM]
# 12
Guitar Hurricane
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01/26/2003 6:11 am
Wasnt this a guitar forum....?
Well if it s not ill add my two cents in. As for america, i beleive that the U.S. picks fights, of course with some justification or else they wouldnt, but is VERY quick to jump in as the worlds police men to justify thier military budget! They need justification to be the most military advanced nation in the world and lets face it, no wars means bad busincess and answers to give. Im from cananda were we have an awful army...highly trained but we have a small amount of solders and budget. We are PEACE KEEPERS in that we dont dictate what who is right but try to agree on peace as the final destination. All this talk lately about how we Canadians are useless is bull****, who was it that sent leagues of firefighters down the 911! anyways you should only do what you beleive and any democracy that claims freedom is thier goal and FORCES you to enlist sounds strange to me!
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 13
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01/27/2003 9:24 am
Originally posted by SLY
...No body wants Saddam to stay in power , everybody knows how bad is he (to his own people more than anybody else)...

That there is my basis for being against Bush,in particlual,and America,generally(coz I feel that if the majority of ordinary Americans do not want this war,then it shouldn't happen,otherwise you've all been crapping us about democracy and stuff);
During the cold war,America proped up( I suspect they even set up)regimes(for eg in Africa,Zaire,under Mobutu Seseseko)that engaged in the very activities that Saddam is engaged in(the human rights abuses and all that)that would constitute moral/humanitarian ground for his removal.Mobutu killed political opponents,he looted his nations wealth,and except perhaps for the WMD things,was not that much different from Saddam.
This goes to show that what mattered to America then(maybe even now-if you want to argue this point,what you're really telling me is that Americans don't influencee how their govt. behaves)was their economic interest(conrol is usually a first step in this direction.Most wars are ultimately over resource control,resource here being a rather broad term).It just so happens that they want to remove Saddam for their own selfish reasons(while the ordinary Iraqis,and the rest of us "humanitarians",want him out,would wish him out,really,because he is a dictator-a bad one at that).Realise here that wishing Iraqis had a good govt. is one thing.Wanting to send your army there for that reason is another thing.
America is being the the 21st century's answer to the British Empire of the 19th/20th centuries.That empire used it's military and econmic might(and aren't these two related)to wreck havoc on pretty much the rest of the world(the fact that technology went to places the empire went doesn't appease me,it was too heavy a pricee to pay for technology and "development").
I've seen it said that even Osama himself was a onetime ally of the US(even Saddam?).
America,in it's efforts to be global everything-cop,scientist,peacekeeper-is doing the same things the above mentioned empire do.They help make Osama.Then they somehow differ on issues.And Osama does what he did(sept. 11,the embassy bombings here in kenya and tanzania,etc,etd,ete).Who's to blame?If the question of whether Osama would be what he is if it wasn't for America is valid,then isn't it also valid that it's America to blame for these things?And if my reason has any bit of validity in it,and I'm an ordinary kenyan who has no intention of turning "radical"(radical here is a loose term,the US has shown that),is it any surprise that "radicals" are emerging,and we got all these suicide bombings and all that sh!t going on?
I'll just have to stop coz I could go on and on about these things.
The bottom line is,America has no justification.All the arguments they are raising are crap.
I think psychologists would tell us that the "conquer" reaction to danger is hard wired in the human thinking.But you see,we human beings are at the top of all organisms.We've more or less conquered them(don't get started about AIDS,I know it.I lost my mom to it).But when the threat,apparent or otherwise,is from a felow(read equal,at least in theory) human being,the way to go is trust.
Which is why you don't tie your wife or girlfriend to the bed and lock her up so that she doesn't engage in adulterous activities.You trust she doesn't.You've reached an agreement,an understanding.Because,she,like you,is a human being.But you lock up your dog so it doesn't stray.Because,it,unlike you,is not a human being.You rule it.But you don't rule you wife.Or kids.Or neighbours.Or the local county.Or you province,or your nation.The people in it reach an agrreement,an undeerstaning.
And so should nations.And nations do reach undedrstanings.Which is how come America isn't fighting Canada.Or Mexico.Who they once fought with,over Texas I think.
But instead of reaching an understanding,you want to beast my arse off coz you got biceps the size of my upper thighs.You don't respect me as a person.Seen how often it's possible to avoid a possible bar brawl by simply working things out?That's how nations handle stuff,and Palestine is always killing Israel,and vice versa.catholics in Ireland are killing protestants,and vicec versa.Why can't they just ****ing stop???
The conquer reaction.
So Saddam has WMD?And is going to kill the rest of us?And so we topple,maybe even kill him?
Well,even America has nuclear stockpiles.And if she doesn't have bio weapons,she has the capacity to produce them.For all I know,America can probably produuce ten times more small pox than Saddam has in a month if the need was there.You have the scientists(how many Nobels has America won?) and facilities(Universities,research centres,the works) and the money(wasn't Clinton's govt, running up budget surpluses :eek: in the billions of dollars?).
If the question is not about whether a nation has the ability but rather the intent,then even Bush himself would nuke anyone if he "felt" he had reason.Hiroshima and Nagasaki are evidence of this.
War is not an option.Under whatever circumstances.
You name a single where the people involved gained,overall.There is none.So you wonder why people keep doing it.

[Edited by kingdavid on 01-27-2003 at 03:37 AM]
# 14
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01/27/2003 9:52 pm
Lots of the below is from Michael Moore's "STupid White men" check it out, it's a great book.

Raskolnikov pointed out that France, Russia and China are all doing business with IRAQ, lots of people have mentioned that so are the US, Vice President Dick Cheney was Chief exec officer (CEO) of Hamilton Industries who had two subsidiary companies in Iraq despite his claiming that his company was not involved. The bin Ladens invested in Bush senior's company the Carlyle Group a big military contractor, juniors first oil venture (79) was with a company called ARbusto backed by the Bin ladens.

It has been reported that Osama was on a dialysis machine on 9/11 how can he have coordinated it all?

Dick Cheney (now vice president) was CEO of Haliburton when there was a meeting with various taliban leaders to discuss building an oil pipeline in Afghanistan. Enron (biggest contributor to bush funds) also conducted feasibility studies.

I have read that according to the London times while all other civil flights had been grounded members of bin Laden's family and some associates were flown out of America in a private was allowed to fly them out of America without interogation or whatever.

At least 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia not Afghanistan or Iraq, 25% of america's oil comes from, is there a link?

Someone said that "G. W. Bush was elected by a minority of voters". This is not so


the people who did the count for Florida were paid by the republicans to remove people with criminal histories, people with the same names as these people etc from their lists. No racism meant but a high proportion of these people were black and blacks vote democrat. I don't think past crimes (which include traffic offenses) should be counted against peoples right to vote let alone that of their relatives. Then lots of illegal military (generally republican votes) were counted despite not qualifying. Then some stupid media organisation (Fox somethingorother)anounced that Bush had won when the counters noted that things were too close to call. The other media organisations jumped 'cause they didn't want to look slow. Then Bush managed to get some of his lawyer friends to stop the count knowing he was loosing.

Now let's look at some of the republican cronies and consider what interests they might have in war:

Don Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
This guy killed Strategic Arms Limitation Talks with Russia, has shares in General Industries and declared that the Anti Ballistic Missile treaty was "Ancient History". This man is a soul-less creep who loves killing.

Don Evans and Dick Cheney - have been CEOs of major oil companies. Condaleeza Rice (National Security Advisor) was pretty senior in another oil company.

Paul O'Neill (is he still in or was he one of them who was kicked out?) was CEO of some horribly polluting Aluminium producer called Alcoa and his lawyer friends worked some big loophole into the law allowing them to totally **** the environment. The major expense of aluminium production is energy. Oil's damn useful for this.

Most of Bush's department oppose renewable energy research, fuel economy measures etc. If they can get their hands on more oil then they will increase their share prices and might even get a hitch on their mates oil rigs when their boats finally sink.

Yes, Saddam is an evil man but it should be down to the UN to fight not the American Army per se. Perhaps this would make the difference between some internationally organised oil trading arrangements and an american monopoly pumping money right into republican pockets.

And do we really need cheap oil right now with the sea-levels rising?
With flooding of some agricultural land and the desertification of other areas, movement of pest distribution ranges into areas where organisms are not resistant national borders and trade agreements will not be sufficient for many countries needs and there will be more wars fought with American weapons. Could this be the start of world war III?

If I couldn't laugh at myself how could I laugh at someone less ridiculous?
# 15
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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01/27/2003 11:10 pm
The roumor has been goin´ on (on Swedish national TV) that USA will use necluar weapon in eventual war against Iraq and I really hope that it´s just roumors. Do you guys know anything more about this.

USA gov. are playn´ world cop and they think they have right to operate however they want in evry country on this planet while brainwashing poor american people by sayn´ this is for American people´s sake.

Point is that USA are only involved in battels where they got much more to win than just a war. Middle east is full of oil worth zillions othervise do you think USA would care about them our Saddam?

Why don´t they do anything for Tjetenian´s who want to break them self free from Russia. They don´t want to comit another mistake like they did during Sovjets war against Afganistan.

USA=WAR. It´s that simple. Whenever you hear word conflict, there´s always USA in the picture. Maby they shouldn´t care that much to start with and let countryes that are fighting against eachothers find own solutions our just kill eachother if they are stupid.

´Cause when USA get´s involved in a war, the directly pick a side and help them to demolish other one while they spread the word against world, we´re here to stop the war. Of course you´ll stop the war when after a month, the opposite country is etombed.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 16
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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01/27/2003 11:42 pm
Hey Ponny one. Shut the f*uck up ´cause you don´t know what you´re talkin´ about.

First of all, I never heard on any television except Yugoslavian, that someone said words poor serbs our anything about serbian peoples inocence. You say serbs are killers, rapers... you should be more careful when you say a stupid thing like that ´cause I´m a serb and I didn´t killed our raped anyone.

So listen up, in Bosian war, serbs and muslims were those sides who lost most. It wasen´t Croatia (they got almost whole sea cost and through that lot of turists, but yet Croatian poeple sufferd a lot) and definitlly fuc*kin´ pus*sy Slovenia who call them self war victims and only have like 10 houses burned to ground compared to Bosnia wich have 1000 villages and cityes burned to ground. I´m a bosnian serb wich means that I was born and grew up in Bosnia like million another serbs. Point is that USA were showing only what they want dumbas*ses like you to see and that´s how serbs kill muslims and croats and you didn´t even think that on that same battelfield, there were serbian civils who lived there too and they were plenty. Much more than croats.

Not to mention how many croaian serbs (serbs who lived in Croatia)were killed during the beggining of the war when they were out of reach of serbian army. It was like the game of cat and mice. Serbs couldn´t do anything against croats ´cause the it came so sudden. Same thing happend to serbs who lived in muslim dominated areas in Bosnia. A

Lot of you think serbs were the only killers. They were killin´ defensless muslims and croats and USA fought against serbs army to defend muslims and croats.

Well, USA didn´t do a sh*it. All they did was weapon suplly to muslim and croat armyes while Russians where helping Yugoslavia with food and weapons. My onkle was killed in that meaningless war. He was killed by an fu*ckin´ american granate leavin wife and two children under 10 years old. So don´t give me any crap about who killed who, you who only have seen guns on TV and get scared by a firecracker. You who always had your nice bed to sleep in while I slept some nights in the woods with granates roaring a couple miles away.

I lost a lot friends in that motherfu*ckin war and now evrybody agree how meaningless it was no matter if I talk to a muslim our to a croat (my best friends are both muslims croats and serbs) and we all agree that it wouldn´t be such disaster as it was if USA stayed out of it. USA fooled us big time through always deciding new deadlines for the war to end, they ended it when they wanted to end it and it was after 6 years of meaningless blood spilling. And the worst thing is that they are still there always hunting so called war terorists and always killin´ someone by accident as they say.

Dejan S. No speed limit
# 17
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01/28/2003 12:00 am
Originally posted by Dejan Sajinovic
The roumor has been goin´ on (on Swedish national TV) that USA will use necluar weapon in eventual war against Iraq and I really hope that it´s just roumors. Do you guys know anything more about this...

Unfortunately this isn't just a rumour dude , Bush said he may use nukes against non-nuclear countries IF NECESSRY , breaking all treaties on nukes .

And of course, Bush himself is the one who decides this necissity ... Very funnny & sad at the same time !
If this guy (Bush) realy nuke Iraq, he'll be competing Hitler !
# 18
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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01/28/2003 1:49 am
Originally posted by SLY
Originally posted by Raskolnikov
A reccuring theme here is that the US supported Saddam Hussein at one time. It's true of course, but what I fail to understand is how this fact makes the US less responsible for fixing the problem we helped create.

Maybe I'm strange, but I was brought up to fix something if you break it.

Excuse me, but what makes you so sure that war will fix everything instead of spreading chaos all over the world , and hatred against the U.S. imperialism ?
And did you learn to sacrifice the lives of innocent people just to achieve your goals (Oil & Domination in this case) ?

And why is the U.S. insisting on this war ? why don't they just try to get rid of Saddam by any other peaceful way ? Is it just that they want to try new american weapons in real action , and use other weapons that will expire in few years if not used now?[Edited by SLY on 01-25-2003 at 03:18 PM]

I take no offense, to do so is pretty much a waste of energy and detracts from what I'm sure we can all agree is a very important discussion.

Now - onto business...
What 'other peaceful way?' Sanctions have failed for twelve consecutive years. Limited air strikes have failed, diplomacy has failed. What other peaceful method of resolution is left here? We're prolonging the inevitable while allowing more innocent Iraqis to starve and Saddam more and more time to prepare for an attack - very effectively lengthening any action that will have to be taken agaisnt him.

A sloppily executed war will invaribly lead to more trouble, but look at US military doctrine: precision strikes against military targets, minimize civilian casualties, treat POWs well, encourage disloyalty in the enemy's ranks...

This won't be sloppy.
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# 19
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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01/28/2003 1:53 am
Originally posted by SLY
Originally posted by Dejan Sajinovic
The roumor has been goin´ on (on Swedish national TV) that USA will use necluar weapon in eventual war against Iraq and I really hope that it´s just roumors. Do you guys know anything more about this...

Unfortunately this isn't just a rumour dude , Bush said he may use nukes against non-nuclear countries IF NECESSRY , breaking all treaties on nukes .

And of course, Bush himself is the one who decides this necissity ... Very funnny & sad at the same time !
If this guy (Bush) realy nuke Iraq, he'll be competing Hitler !

The difference between nuclear and biological weapons is (once the bodies are burried), psychological.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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# 20

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