I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes.
-- Jimi Hendrix
-- Jimi Hendrix
Originally Posted by: Kevin TaylorDon't forget us Atheists.
Groovy Free Stuff Day Everybody!!!
Originally Posted by: Kevin TaylorHappy Festivus!!!! :)
Originally Posted by: Kevin TaylorIt was just a joke dude.
Actually I don't believe, or not believe in anything.
Nobody can prove one way or another whether god really exists so I stay neutral on the subject.
However I do find it offensive having religion shoved down my throat on a daily basis whether I like it or not.
And I do find it kinda strange that if I choose to express my own beliefs, I end up getting castigated for it... sorta like you just did.
Seems funny how religion is supposed to be so amazing, yet the minute anybody expresses any doubt about the existence of god, They're immediately subjected to a sarcastic and abusive witch hunt by those very same religious people.
Originally Posted by: ZakJenkinsWho cares?
It's Christmas! On the calendar, it says Christmas! It's a big deal in the Christian faith. I'm not gonna say Happy Chanukah, 'cause it's already over, and it's a really small deal in the Jewish Faith.
And who really cares what who believes. I'm a Christian, but I'm not an idiot, I don't go around acting superior to everyone because I believe in a higher being. Christianity is all about admitting we're inferior to someone else, so if anything, the atheists should be making fun of us, not the other way around. That's why nobody likes Christians, because a majority of them are stuck up elitists. For the most part, Atheists leave theists beliefs alone, until the theists start bashing atheists. So...Theists, back off. Nobody cares. And Atheists, Happy Festivus, Most People don't care.
Originally Posted by: looneytunesYou don't celebrate CHRISTmas, Easter, Thanksgiving or any religious holidays.
Originally Posted by: turkeyjerky214Last I checked, Thanksgiving isn't a religious holiday.
Originally Posted by: looneytunesReally? Who are you giving thanks to, the Thanksgiving turkey? Mommy and Daddy? Maybe the government? I personally I thank God, but I guess you can thank anyone you want and call it anything you want.
I maybe a little snotty. Please forgive me. I just got carried away. I would like to know who you do give thanks to on Thankgiving day, for real!
There are other religious holiday that one might not think is related, but I'm not going there.
Have a Happy New Year! I hope that didn't offend anyone.
Hey, that's a good idea. I think I will start a new thread, if it's not started yet. What did you get for CHRISTmas?
Originally Posted by: Geeetar4LifeThanksgiving is not a religious holiday. I mean, you can make it a religious holiday by thanking your god and all that good stuff. But intentionally, Thanksgiving is a holiday made for celebrating the finding of our home, America..You know the pilgrim and indians story...yeah, that's what Thanksgiving is. But yeah, people do make it religious such as my family. We give thanks to God and all that good stuff.
Originally Posted by: looneytunes
I think too much time has been spent on this, so I'm moving on. Let's get back to guitar stuff.