Things are not going as I planned them. all sorts of things are happening and it's really affacting my guitarplay. Can you guy's help me out?
1. My band is falling apart. My drummer is not giving me some space for opinion. He just dicided to get a new keyplayer, and I hate that guy. But I don't want to tell the drummer that I hate that person. what to do now?
2. This is one of the hard parts, but it's really getting out of controle. it's a long story also, I'll try to tell the big lines. When I went to secondary school as 1ste year, I met this great teacher. I liked her a lot, to much actually...
4 years have past and she is now married and I saw her with her husband. It was hard for me to see her like that. I felt guilty for having feelings for her.
anyway, I dicided to tell her what I felt and that I bore this guilt. And she said she'd seen that in me. we came to a conclusion that we would act normal again and if there was anything wrong, I or her would tell..
a month later, she acted very irritated to me and didn't talk to me at all.
I asked my dean what was wrong with her and she said nothing.
when I came back from holiday, I heared she was pregned for four months. they lied to me, and she didn't kept her promise. I want to make them pay for what they did, but I just can't controle my anger anymore.
I don't feel usefull anymore, the only thing I want is to play guitar. But I feel bad when I did that, I know I should do homework first.