school is affecting my guitarplay

zoran the dark
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zoran the dark
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01/16/2006 9:06 pm
hey you guy"s, I need some help over here...

Things are not going as I planned them. all sorts of things are happening and it's really affacting my guitarplay. Can you guy's help me out?

1. My band is falling apart. My drummer is not giving me some space for opinion. He just dicided to get a new keyplayer, and I hate that guy. But I don't want to tell the drummer that I hate that person. what to do now?

2. This is one of the hard parts, but it's really getting out of controle. it's a long story also, I'll try to tell the big lines. When I went to secondary school as 1ste year, I met this great teacher. I liked her a lot, to much actually...
4 years have past and she is now married and I saw her with her husband. It was hard for me to see her like that. I felt guilty for having feelings for her.
anyway, I dicided to tell her what I felt and that I bore this guilt. And she said she'd seen that in me. we came to a conclusion that we would act normal again and if there was anything wrong, I or her would tell..
a month later, she acted very irritated to me and didn't talk to me at all.
I asked my dean what was wrong with her and she said nothing.

when I came back from holiday, I heared she was pregned for four months. they lied to me, and she didn't kept her promise. I want to make them pay for what they did, but I just can't controle my anger anymore.
I don't feel usefull anymore, the only thing I want is to play guitar. But I feel bad when I did that, I know I should do homework first.

# 1
earthman buck
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earthman buck
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01/16/2006 9:55 pm
Here's what I think:

1. Just tell your drummer what you think of the other guy. If he's a good guy, he'll understand and things can be worked out from there. If not, fight fire with fire. Invite some dude with bagpipes over to jam and see how your drummer likes that...... :)

2. I don't see this as an excuse for not playing at all. This would make me want to play more. Pick up your guitar and just play anything at all. Hold down all the strings and just slam out a muted rhythm if you want. That's all I ever seem to do..........
That's probably not the answer you're looking for, but I would seriously just write a song about it. What you described would probably make an alright song, as long as it wasn't some sort of "my heart/hurts bad/you've made/me sad" crap.
# 2
Tele Master
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01/16/2006 9:58 pm
Well alrighty...if you don't like the guy then talk to the drummer about it. If he refuses to let him go, then you have a decision to make.

Secondly, your not going to like what I have to say, but I'm going to say it anyways...grow up. She's married and has a child on the way, what do you expect? How did she lie to you? She never agreed to tell you everything about her life, you said "if anything was wrong"..what's wrong with being pregnant? And how old are you? 18?19? old is she?30? Yaya, age doesn't matter and all that crap, but honestly...just keep on living man. There's alot of people with alot bigger problems than a case of lust.

In the words of Denis Leary, "Life's a bitch. Get a ****in'' helmet."

(oh ya, you may want to pay more attention in school and learn some grammar)
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 3
Cryptic Excretions
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Cryptic Excretions
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01/16/2006 10:27 pm
Originally Posted by: zoran the darkhey you guy"s, I need some help over here...

Things are not going as I planned them. all sorts of things are happening and it's really affacting my guitarplay. Can you guy's help me out?

1. My band is falling apart. My drummer is not giving me some space for opinion. He just dicided to get a new keyplayer, and I hate that guy. But I don't want to tell the drummer that I hate that person. what to do now?[/QUOTE]
Watch your band get destroyed? Your best bet is to be open and honest. A band calls for professional honesty in an up front manner and if you just let it go, then it's only going to brew up to being worse and worse.

[QUOTE=zoran the dark]
2. This is one of the hard parts, but it's really getting out of controle. it's a long story also, I'll try to tell the big lines. When I went to secondary school as 1ste year, I met this great teacher. I liked her a lot, to much actually...
4 years have past and she is now married and I saw her with her husband. It was hard for me to see her like that. I felt guilty for having feelings for her.
anyway, I dicided to tell her what I felt and that I bore this guilt. And she said she'd seen that in me. we came to a conclusion that we would act normal again and if there was anything wrong, I or her would tell..
a month later, she acted very irritated to me and didn't talk to me at all.
I asked my dean what was wrong with her and she said nothing.

when I came back from holiday, I heared she was pregned for four months. they lied to me, and she didn't kept her promise. I want to make them pay for what they did, but I just can't controle my anger anymore.
I don't feel usefull anymore, the only thing I want is to play guitar. But I feel bad when I did that, I know I should do homework first.


4 years have passed. You even said it yourself. People grow and move on to new things over the course of time and no one's really obligated to adapt to anyone else. Of course there is adaptation involved when someone gets married and that's typically geared towards the person whom they're marrying. And don't you think it's a bit of a stretch to say you're growing useless since a married, mother-to-be teacher of yours isn't going to be your "soul mate" or whatever term you might wish to coin for the occasion? C'mon, you've got your whole life ahead of you. After you graduate, you'll most definitely never see her again and all that'll be left holding you back is your memories of her. Are you ready to let something as insignificant as a memory hold you back? I say, stay in school, do your homework, and play your goddamned guitar to your hearts content. There's no reason why your life should change so drastically over this. In a smaller sum of words... Lighten up.

Oh, and sorry if I came across somewhat ruthless with my words. It's not my intention.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
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# 4
Julian Vickers
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01/17/2006 1:44 am
I guess I understand why you feel betrayed. Like I was going out with this girl earlier in 2005 and she dumped me and then like a month afterwards I saw her with this other guy, and I pretty jealous and even like I was betrayed or something. But now that I think about it, she can do whatever she wants and it's not really my business anymore, so even if I feel jealous or betrayed I guess it's just self pity. Like when I see her now with some other guy I'd be thinking subconsciously "She should be mine! Arrgh!". I've pretty much got over her now though, it just takes a little time.
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# 5
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01/17/2006 2:11 am
Hmm... I always wanted to bang my male teachers.

# 6
Tele Master
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01/17/2006 2:29 am
Hey, I've had some frigin hot ass teachers that I wanted to bang too...but, uhh..I've never cried my arse off over something that was never meant to be or could never be. Like I said before, grow up.
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 7
zoran the dark
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zoran the dark
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01/17/2006 6:49 am

great, thanks you guy's. it's good to hear different opinions about it. right now, nobody tries to listen to me.
# 8
Julian Vickers
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01/17/2006 7:07 am
Yeah I remember the senior dance at my school. The girl I took to the dance was a girl I had liked for ages and I was hoping to go a little further with her that night, but after the dance we went to a party and at the party she ended up with some other guy that I didn't know. I was pretty heartbroken at the time. For ages actually. I pretty much didn't speak to her for a long time after that. But since we weren't actually a couple, I guess she wasn't cheating or anything. I guess if you aren't actually dating the person, they don't have to be answerable to you. Like you can't control them in any way.
Miracle Blade 4: Gibs on touch.
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01/17/2006 1:41 pm
Originally Posted by: earthman buck...Invite some dude with bagpipes over to jam and see how your drummer likes that...... :)


If you were closer I could bring my pipes over for a session or two :D
As others have said, be open with your drummer. If he is a di** about it then you need to decide, play with someone you dislike and deal with all the tention (not good) or quit the band and find/start another.

As for the teacher thing, you siad she could tell how you felt about her but she never said she felt the same. You should have let it go then. Just let it go, play your a$$ off and let the frustration out and time will take care of the rest.

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Practice does not make you perfect. Perfect practice makes you perfect.[/FONT]
# 10
zoran the dark
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zoran the dark
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01/17/2006 4:36 pm
first things are first, it's because of her that my parents dicided that I was a threat to my family, 'cause I was pretty suicidal at that point ( that was 2 years ago). and now they are doing the same thing currently. they don't talk to me about anything that's troubling me, they wait and then they strike.

and that teacher told me she has known this for 4 years now. she knew every thing about it, yet didn't asked me about it. And know she completely ignores me, doesn't take the time to answer my questions and I even think she is afraid of me. she is alway's leaving when I want to ask some things.

I know you guy's are right about not having her al, wel what ever I thought of her. But I see my end coming, if I talk to my dean about this ( wich I wil), she is gonna feel sorry for not telling me. Is it the right thing to do? To let everybody know you kick peoples butts if they ly or have a diffirent opinion on your problem? It's my life that's changing in to something I don't want.

I do keep an open mind that this must be hard for her to and everyone who saw something was wrong with me. I'm willing to tell everything but they must listen first. I just need some attention. And then I can forgive her, and forget this crap.

hmmzz... Suddenly my life turns in to a celeb-story. every good guitarplayer has a problem. now, I only need to be good or better in it :D
# 11
Cryptic Excretions
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01/17/2006 5:29 pm
Originally Posted by: zoran the darkfirst things are first, it's because of her that my parents dicided that I was a threat to my family, 'cause I was pretty suicidal at that point ( that was 2 years ago). and now they are doing the same thing currently. they don't talk to me about anything that's troubling me, they wait and then they strike.[/QUOTE]
To that I say force them to talk to you, if you want their guidance.

Originally Posted by: zoran the dark
and that teacher told me she has known this for 4 years now. she knew every thing about it, yet didn't asked me about it. And know she completely ignores me, doesn't take the time to answer my questions and I even think she is afraid of me. she is alway's leaving when I want to ask some things.
She's a teacher. There are actually laws forbidding her from engaging in such a life style. It could cost her her job. How do you confront something like that? I'd say ignoring is probably her idea of being responsible.

[QUOTE=zoran the dark]
I know you guy's are right about not having her al, wel what ever I thought of her. But I see my end coming, if I talk to my dean about this ( wich I wil), she is gonna feel sorry for not telling me. Is it the right thing to do? To let everybody know you kick peoples butts if they ly or have a diffirent opinion on your problem? It's my life that's changing in to something I don't want.

How far do you plan on getting by talking to the dean? If your teacher has yet to do anything careless, then really there's nothing that can be done because all the situation is is a student with feelings for a teacher. On the last sentence, all life changes. Time itself is just measures change. The more you resist the harder it'll be for you to grow.

[QUOTE=zoran the dark]
I do keep an open mind that this must be hard for her to and everyone who saw something was wrong with me. I'm willing to tell everything but they must listen first. I just need some attention. And then I can forgive her, and forget this crap.

I dunno, if it's already hard on everyone, then why make it worse? If you want people to see you and to hear you, then tell your story. No one listens to the one they don't know about. And finally, forgive her for what? I don't mean anything by that, but so far I've not really seen anything that pins anyone at any form of fault. So far I've gathered that a woman got married and is having a kid with her husband, but neglected to tell one of her students know about it. There's no fault in that. There would be fault, though, if she did do anything with you since relationships between students and teachers are illegal. So my question to you is, just what exactly is it that you're clinging to?
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would

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Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 12
zoran the dark
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zoran the dark
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01/17/2006 6:09 pm
Originally Posted by: Cryptic ExcretionsTo that I say force them to talk to you, if you want their guidance.

She's a teacher. There are actually laws forbidding her from engaging in such a life style. It could cost her her job. How do you confront something like that? I'd say ignoring is probably her idea of being responsible.

How far do you plan on getting by talking to the dean? If your teacher has yet to do anything careless, then really there's nothing that can be done because all the situation is is a student with feelings for a teacher. On the last sentence, all life changes. Time itself is just measures change. The more you resist the harder it'll be for you to grow.

I dunno, if it's already hard on everyone, then why make it worse? If you want people to see you and to hear you, then tell your story. No one listens to the one they don't know about. And finally, forgive her for what? I don't mean anything by that, but so far I've not really seen anything that pins anyone at any form of fault. So far I've gathered that a woman got married and is having a kid with her husband, but neglected to tell one of her students know about it. There's no fault in that. There would be fault, though, if she did do anything with you since relationships between students and teachers are illegal. So my question to you is, just what exactly is it that you're clinging to?

Simple, kick their a** or live one like nothing happend. you will mention te last one, but I doubt that. What about not sleeping at night, afraid to go to school, wishing you were dead? doesn't that cound? well? I dunno. If you ask me that is a fault while the only thing she could have done is ask. she didn't and waisted 4 years on it to let me know ( on my purpose). I know I can't blame her for having a baby, bud nobody tells me about it. They are holding back the truth, that's lying to me. that's the point that I'm trying to make, is it lying or what?

and yes, she can loose her job on it. But I lost my life and a reason to stay alive. That is why I felt so guilty for al that kind of trouble, I don't want to be in the way. I know I will always make her feel sick if I am around.
But I'm sick and tierd of having this burning hate and fear. Something just needs to happen...

so, kick their fence or feel miserable for the rest of my life?
# 13
Cryptic Excretions
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01/17/2006 6:54 pm
Originally Posted by: zoran the darkSimple, kick their a** or live one like nothing happend. you will mention te last one, but I doubt that. What about not sleeping at night, afraid to go to school, wishing you were dead? doesn't that cound? well? I dunno. If you ask me that is a fault while the only thing she could have done is ask. she didn't and waisted 4 years on it to let me know ( on my purpose). I know I can't blame her for having a baby, bud nobody tells me about it. They are holding back the truth, that's lying to me. that's the point that I'm trying to make, is it lying or what?[/QUOTE]
I think you're missing the point here dude. She's your teacher, not your lover. She's not obligated to keep you up to date on her personal life and if she was obligated, it'd probably be because she was having an affair with you, which is illegal. You can't blame her for anything because she hasn't actually done anything wrong. It's not lying. It's just not telling you about their own business. There's plenty of things in my own life that you don't know about. But I'm not lying by not telling you. They're my own things to carry. And, like any other person, I'm always grateful when others stay out.

Originally Posted by: zoran the dark
and yes, she can loose her job on it. But I lost my life and a reason to stay alive. That is why I felt so guilty for al that kind of trouble, I don't want to be in the way. I know I will always make her feel sick if I am around.
But I'm sick and tierd of having this burning hate and fear. Something just needs to happen...

Don't you think you're a tad young to give up on life? I've got my own opinions on the topic, but I think I've been a bit extreme already. And you're right. Something does need to change. You need to grow up and move on. That's the only way things will actually get better, but the longer you hold something like this so near and dear, the worse it'll get. This isn't the kind of thing to cling to.
[QUOTE=zoran the dark]
so, kick their fence or feel miserable for the rest of my life?

From personal experience I can say you'll feel worse in the long run if you do kick their fence. It's something you'll know you did without thinking and you'll have to live with it for the rest of your life knowing that you acted irrationally. And on the feeling miserable for the rest of your life. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is an option. You have the choice in you to let this go or to hold it close. That's a decision that nothing else will change and causing harm to others will only add to it. This, unfortunately, is one of those things that you must figure out for yourself. Find out what it is that's actually bothering you and fix it yourself. It's the only way things will get better. Naturally, we'll be here for support, but in the end, you're the one that has to decide. Do you want to be happy?
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would

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Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 14
zoran the dark
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zoran the dark
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01/17/2006 9:14 pm
Originally Posted by: Cryptic ExcretionsI think you're missing the point here dude. She's your teacher, not your lover. She's not obligated to keep you up to date on her personal life and if she was obligated, it'd probably be because she was having an affair with you, which is illegal. You can't blame her for anything because she hasn't actually done anything wrong. It's not lying. It's just not telling you about their own business. There's plenty of things in my own life that you don't know about. But I'm not lying by not telling you. They're my own things to carry. And, like any other person, I'm always grateful when others stay out.

Don't you think you're a tad young to give up on life? I've got my own opinions on the topic, but I think I've been a bit extreme already. And you're right. Something does need to change. You need to grow up and move on. That's the only way things will actually get better, but the longer you hold something like this so near and dear, the worse it'll get. This isn't the kind of thing to cling to.

From personal experience I can say you'll feel worse in the long run if you do kick their fence. It's something you'll know you did without thinking and you'll have to live with it for the rest of your life knowing that you acted irrationally. And on the feeling miserable for the rest of your life. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is an option. You have the choice in you to let this go or to hold it close. That's a decision that nothing else will change and causing harm to others will only add to it. This, unfortunately, is one of those things that you must figure out for yourself. Find out what it is that's actually bothering you and fix it yourself. It's the only way things will get better. Naturally, we'll be here for support, but in the end, you're the one that has to decide. Do you want to be happy?

Hmmzz.. You're making good points overthere. I'll keep your words in mind. But on thing, just one, what's so good about pain and suffering. I both experied them and I don't think it's an option. Maybe just stay out of it I gues...
# 15
zoran the dark
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zoran the dark
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01/17/2006 9:19 pm
Originally Posted by: AkiraAm I missing something here?

All i've got so far is that you had a crush on a teacher, she got married and didn't tell you.

I don't see what there is to be so worked up about, care to fill in the missing details?

Just because you had a crush on her doesn't mean that she needs to tell you every detail of her life.

I think someone needs to grow up, sorry if it sounds harsh, but what you're saying seems rather childish.

It goes like this:
first I went to secondary school and got a crush on her, in that year she got married.
second in this year I met her with her husband kissing eachother at a party, and I thought that I should tell her after 4 years, so I did
third, I asked my dean what was "wrong wtih her" and my dean said nothing. ( she was there when I told that teacher)
and last, I found out she was pregned for four months.

that's the story
# 16
Tele Master
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01/18/2006 12:01 am
Even if had had a relationship with her, its in the past and she is not obligated to tell you jack.

Buddy, you don't have much of a story. Sounds to me like your starved for attention. I'm not sorry if I'm being harsh by the way. You've got nothing for a story.

Did you think your life was gonna be a piece of cake? That you'd go through it getting everything you wanted? Life is full of crap that you have to deal with, I think you need to start realizing that. There are alot more people around that have had more to deal with than a crush on a teacher.

I was physically abused between the ages of 3-10. I was abused by a babysitter. Do you think that was easy? No, it wasn't. But I dealt with it. It's obviously made me into the person I am today and I'm happy with who I am. Let me tell you, the feeling of abuse is nothing like having someone "lie" to you, even though she didn't lie to you.

Grow the hell up and let's go back to playing guitar instead of feeding your need for attention.
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
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Cryptic Excretions
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01/18/2006 12:03 am
Originally Posted by: zoran the darkHmmzz.. You're making good points overthere. I'll keep your words in mind. But on thing, just one, what's so good about pain and suffering. I both experied them and I don't think it's an option. Maybe just stay out of it I gues...[/QUOTE]
I never said that there was anything good about either one of them. All I said is pain is an inevitable part of life, but to suffer is to hold something painful near. There's no reason why this should be any harder than it has to be. And truth be known, for what the situation is... I really think you're exaggerating things. In my own honest opinion, I don't think this is what's bugging you completely. Deep down in the center of all of this haphazardous talk is something that makes sense. At least as the chaos theory states, there should be. I really can't bring myself to believe that something like a crush over a married teacher is going to induce someone to become suicidal. If you're lonely that's one thing, but this situation is really abstract. And for this situation there's no reason why anyone should get hurt in anyway. Don't get me wrong though. I'm not calling you a liar about anything, just that I'm finding what you have to offer hard to digest.

Here, read this.
[QUOTE=zoran the dark]
It goes like this:
first I went to secondary school and got a crush on her, in that year she got married.
second in this year I met her with her husband kissing eachother at a party, and I thought that I should tell her after 4 years, so I did
third, I asked my dean what was "wrong wtih her" and my dean said nothing. ( she was there when I told that teacher)
and last, I found out she was pregned for four months.

Now tell me where the justification for your feelings is. Again, I'm not calling you a liar or denying the legitimate value of your feelings, but you don't really seem to have much to explain why you feel them is all.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would

Hulk Smash!!

Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 18
Cryptic Excretions
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01/18/2006 12:06 am
Originally Posted by: Tele MasterEven if had had a relationship with her, its in the past and she is not obligated to tell you jack.

Buddy, you don't have much of a story. Sounds to me like your starved for attention. I'm not sorry if I'm being harsh by the way. You've got nothing for a story.

Did you think your life was gonna be a piece of cake? That you'd go through it getting everything you wanted? Life is full of crap that you have to deal with, I think you need to start realizing that. There are alot more people around that have had more to deal with than a crush on a teacher.

I was physically abused between the ages of 3-10. I was abused by a babysitter. Do you think that was easy? No, it wasn't. But I dealt with it. It's obviously made me into the person I am today and I'm happy with who I am. Let me tell you, the feeling of abuse is nothing like having someone "lie" to you, even though she didn't lie to you.

Grow the hell up and let's go back to playing guitar instead of feeding your need for attention.

I wasn't going to go that extreme with my choice of words, but since it's out in the fray. I concur.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would

Hulk Smash!!

Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 19
zoran the dark
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zoran the dark
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01/18/2006 6:36 am
Originally Posted by: Cryptic ExcretionsI never said that there was anything good about either one of them. All I said is pain is an inevitable part of life, but to suffer is to hold something painful near. There's no reason why this should be any harder than it has to be. And truth be known, for what the situation is... I really think you're exaggerating things. In my own honest opinion, I don't think this is what's bugging you completely. Deep down in the center of all of this haphazardous talk is something that makes sense. At least as the chaos theory states, there should be. I really can't bring myself to believe that something like a crush over a married teacher is going to induce someone to become suicidal. If you're lonely that's one thing, but this situation is really abstract. And for this situation there's no reason why anyone should get hurt in anyway. Don't get me wrong though. I'm not calling you a liar about anything, just that I'm finding what you have to offer hard to digest.

Here, read this.

Now tell me where the justification for your feelings is. Again, I'm not calling you a liar or denying the legitimate value of your feelings, but you don't really seem to have much to explain why you feel them is all.

I was bullied when I went to secondaty school... I gues something had to do with that.

but first of al, you guys seem to have a better way of living a live. and your judging me of the fact I don't have a story, only because I had a crush on a teacher?


you were right, it's time for me to change, people around me got to change to, not her, just to have someone to talk al off this what you call useless crap.

But if anyone know how to live my life better, DO IT.
# 20

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