Its days like these I wish my creator was incarnate so I could give him pain in equal parts of what I feel.......
Anyone have depression?
Try once,fail twice...
Originally Posted by: chucklivesoninmyheartHit me like a ton of bricks out of nowhere today.Its genetic,not circumstantial....everything is actually ok in my body just lacks certain chemical qualitys(at least thats what science has shown thus far).,things are not good in my life.I barley leave the house,I'm a mess physically(to my mind anyway),I have ZERO friends,no g.e.d,live month to month on SSI.I'm a LOSER to put it simply...ive been a loser my whole life.I'll be 20 in april with NOTHING accomplished...absolutley nothing.
I'm also really tempted to pick smoking back up again...I coped much better with nicotine a year ago.
Originally Posted by: chucklivesoninmyheartI'm on zoloft and klonopin and see a psycyatrist regularly....[font=trebuchet ms]Try to find some kind of low-impact, preferably outdoor physical activity. I'd recommend cross-country skiing, but Tampa just doesn't get enough snow. It helps to get something going that allows you to 'zone out' in a way that lets your grim attitude fade away. The main thing is to get out of the house!!!
last time I went to a gym I had one of the worst panic attacks of my life(yeah,I'm slapped with anxiety/panic disorder too)...I don't leave the house very often.Unless I have to go out,I'm always inside.I know thats unhealthy...havn't figured a way around it.
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings[font=trebuchet ms]
hmm... advice from the guy with over 3000 posts...[/font] :o
Originally Posted by: Lori_B.... also, take your meds but keep in mind that is only part of the solution it's up to us to rebuild our lives when in "remission"...[font=trebuchet ms]Nailed it in one!
*Big Hug*
Oh, write some music... sometimes depression makes for some killer lyrics
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings[font=trebuchet ms]
I suspect there's a link between being an artistic type and susceptibility to depression.[/font]
Originally Posted by: JFRICK been taking Lexapro for about a year and a half.