weight set?

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06/08/2008 3:07 am
Ok this has nothing to do with guitar. I had an alright track season this year, and I'm trying to decide between buying a weight set / setting up a cheap ghetto rig (depending on how much it will cost me) to help train train for track season next spring


buying a good quality digital camera which will greatly help with my art work (Its not silly, I'm a very good drawer/painter and i'm not just doing some lame arts and crafts, this is serious business that I sometimes get paid good money for =D)

I can spend around $350, probably up to $400..

You guys have always been trustworthy.. there's bound to be somebody here with an answer.. So my question is, what kind of weights can I get for that amount of money? I plan on doing full-body [U]heavy[/U] lifting to improve my athleticism, not just the upper or not just the lower body so i'll need to be able to work my full body with whatever I buy
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
# 1
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06/08/2008 3:35 am
this is just my opinion but save most of your money and get a medicin ball and a few bungy chords. try running with a partner and toss the ball back and forth theres a ton of other things you can do with it. the bungy chords are for tying yourself to something and trying to run against them.

but thats just me. you could also go camping any where above 12k feet for a couple weeks and trying to run up and down the hills.
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# 2
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06/08/2008 4:06 am
sounds like a good ghetto set-up at first and i appreciate the reply but i don't see a way for me to constantly increase the intensity with a single-resistance bungy cord and a medicine ball. it feels as though i'll get to a point where i won't be able to increase any more variables- such as speed and weight- to increase the intensity

I guess i'll make it clear that I'm into sprints and middle distance (max 800m) so I'll need to do some pretty intense exercises and lift heavy loads. If I could find some variable-resistance bungy cords or variable-weight medicine balls i'd probably try it.
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
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06/08/2008 5:08 am
there is always a bag of sand.
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# 4
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06/08/2008 6:38 pm
Weight sets are the most common thing that people buy and sell quickly. You can find a good weight set in the used section of the paper and save yourself a ton of cash. A good set of ankle weights to wear when you're not training will do more for you than you may think. There's a lot to be said for general resistence training with even a small set of weights to use to increase load.

Running stadium steps is one of the most intense ways to build a power jump from the blocks for sprints and interval training will help for the middle distance stuff.

I would also recommend a Tae Kwon Do class. Since it uses such intense kicking techniques, you will build up leg strength very quickly. Plus you get to learn something that may be useful to you at some time in your life.

Just a few thoughts.
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# 5

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06/08/2008 6:46 pm
Try to do a search on circuit training.

Less weight is needed and I've seen guys from different sports convert to this type of training sessions.
# 6
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06/09/2008 6:00 pm
Have any municipal gyms in your area? They're often very cheap...anywhere from $25-$100 for a year. You may not have the convenience of working out in your own home, but it may be a cheap alternative (and you may have some left over cash for the camera.)

I don't like ankle weights, as they can stress your knee joints. I know it's not cool to bash another art, but of all martial arts, I probably dislike TKD the most. I've seen too many groin injuries from the intensive stretching; not good for a runner, I'm sure you know. I've been involved in martial arts for over 30 years; not that TKD has no value, I just think there's more effective arts out there (and possibly cheaper for the dues.)

You sure you want to lift heavy? The extra bulk can actually slow you down. Good luck.
Silimtao-The Way of the Little Idea

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# 7
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06/09/2008 6:46 pm
Originally Posted by: SilimtaoHave any municipal gyms in your area? They're often very cheap...anywhere from $25-$100 for a year. You may not have the convenience of working out in your own home, but it may be a cheap alternative (and you may have some left over cash for the camera.)

I don't like ankle weights, as they can stress your knee joints. I know it's not cool to bash another art, but of all martial arts, I probably dislike TKD the most. I've seen too many groin injuries from the intensive stretching; not good for a runner, I'm sure you know. I've been involved in martial arts for over 30 years; not that TKD has no value, I just think there's more effective arts out there (and possibly cheaper for the dues.)

You sure you want to lift heavy? The extra bulk can actually slow you down. Good luck.

There are plenty of groin injuries from overly agressive stretching to be sure but I have seen the very same in football, track and baseball. To each his own about what arts are more effective. It's solely up to individual. I have fought in tournaments against folks from a variety of arts. Each has its strength and weakness. I only advised TKD as it has been my art for ten years and the increased leg strength I developed has helped me run and complete 4 full marathons.

Each person needs to find what works for them. I am a short, somewhat muscular person. TKD because of it's use of the high kicking helps me when I go up against someone taller who has a natural reach advantage. But again, that's me. To each his own.
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# 8
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06/09/2008 7:00 pm
Heya Hunter,

Apologies if it seemed like I was bashing TKD. It's just that I had a lot of students that came from TKD, and saw too many groin injuries. I'm a Wing Chun guy myself, but cross trained in a bunch of others.

Again, humble apologies.
Silimtao-The Way of the Little Idea

I want to die peacefully like my grandfather. Unlike the other passengers in the car, screaming and crying. (unknown)
# 9
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06/09/2008 8:47 pm
U can't afford the equipment to do what you want to do. If you're wanting to do squats, bench, and lift free weights you'll have to spend 3 grand +. Just get a gym membership.
# 10
Kevin Taylor
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06/09/2008 8:58 pm
Grab a couple of ugly fat chicks off the street.
Strap them to your legs and walk around with them wherever you go.
For your arms.... use midgets... (or small people as they preferred to be called)

For other purposes, a short midget girl with a round mouth and a flat head to rest your bear on.

... ok... somebody's gonna ban me. :)
# 11
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06/09/2008 9:17 pm
Originally Posted by: SilimtaoHeya Hunter,

Apologies if it seemed like I was bashing TKD. It's just that I had a lot of students that came from TKD, and saw too many groin injuries. I'm a Wing Chun guy myself, but cross trained in a bunch of others.

Again, humble apologies.

No problem. I have always been a major fan of Wing Chun. It's a beautiful and rather deadly art. As a matter of fact, one of the worst beatings I ever took when I was active in competition was from a Wing Chung artist. He was amazing.
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# 12
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06/10/2008 1:57 am
Originally Posted by: hunter60No problem.
Thanks for not taking it the wrong way. It's cool to meet another player into MA.

:::bows in respect:::
Silimtao-The Way of the Little Idea

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# 13
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06/10/2008 1:59 am
Kevin, when a fat chick kicks your butt, or a little person punches ya in the groin, don't come crying to us! :eek:
Silimtao-The Way of the Little Idea

I want to die peacefully like my grandfather. Unlike the other passengers in the car, screaming and crying. (unknown)
# 14
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06/10/2008 5:38 am
wing chun and tkd are both great arts both are powerful and with the right teachers can train you in how to be stong beyond muscles (i do mean qi). but if you really want to become strong and learn how to use you body, start learning jujitsu. you will train the smallest muscles in your body. you will learn that the position of your body (even in running) can dictate where and how much power you have. with the right teacher ofcourse.

i know this sounds silly but have you looked into the 'total gym' you know the one the chuk norris is playing with in the middle of the night? i used to have one a they do work. i think they even sell one that you can add weights too.
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# 15
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06/10/2008 6:17 am
hah, you guys had some really good answers. I didn't think I'd return to have this much of a response.

Well the camera can wait about 2 more months. I also have negotiated another commission that'll get me about $90 when completed, so that'll go into this.

someone asked if more muscle will slow me down. if it gets to a point where i'm a better shot-putter than I am a runner, then I guess the muscle is slowing me down, but i'm not there yet =D.

I'm actually a kenyan-born person. I know, that must mean I'm a good distance runner. and I could be. the first time I ran the 800 i had a good placement. but I really want to pursue the 400m as my main event though. to do better in the 400, my teammates agree I should increase my strength by the next track season

sooo, heavy lifting it is lol.

Ok, we don't have any YMCAs and stuff but we have a bailey's powerhouse gym and its pretty expensive.

I read that people sell training equipment often. Are there any common places where used equipment is sold?

Also a cheap ghetto rig is not out of the question. I can only imagine all the things i can do with a playground.. too bad they tore em down round here, hah

oh total gym? i might have, but i probably didn't take it seriously. wasn't norris also into bowflex?
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
# 16
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06/10/2008 1:29 pm
Originally Posted by: puresooo, heavy lifting it is lol.

oh total gym? i might have, but i probably didn't take it seriously. wasn't norris also into bowflex?

I'm no expert in training for running, but I'd think heavy lifting may do more harm than good. What's your running coach say?

I'd think strengthening for explosiveness would be helpful to get out of the blocks. Ever look into plyometrics?

As for the total gym, my sister has one, and I was pretty surprised. you're not going to get bulked up, but you'll get a a pretty good workout. The bowflex is cool, but you need a fair amount of space.

You have craigslist.com where you are? That's a great place to find cheap anything, especially gym equipment. I think you should speak to your running coach for advice. It's possible you may only need a coupla dumbells and learn how to do some lunges and squats in different ways.
Silimtao-The Way of the Little Idea

I want to die peacefully like my grandfather. Unlike the other passengers in the car, screaming and crying. (unknown)
# 17
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06/10/2008 1:46 pm
Haven't read all the other replies but I would only go with the weights if I had no access to a proper gym. If you have access to a gym with free weigths, rack and smith machines then just go there - its a lot safer than training at home. Problem with weight training at home is that you max out the weights pretty quickly and then you get into the type of weight you need someone to spot for you. Eg, I used to train at home with a set of 50Kg weights of a crappy little bench but after a few months in a proper gym with a training partner I got that up to 120kg which is something I would never attempt at home - one slip means death at that weight, even 50Kg can kill you if you drop it on your neck or head. At home you are also more liable to injure your back and joints because there won't be an instructor or training partner there to keep your form in check. I'm talking from experience, I have back, neck, knee and shoulder injuries from poor training habits over the years combined with some serious punishment from martial arts.

Also, it has been clinically proven that weight training will improve your cardio to a greater degree than running, swimming or cycling alone. Also, you will get the benefits of added bone density (to protect against brittle bones), stronger ligaments and tendons... and a ripped physique! Just stay away from creatine and all of those BS performance enhancing supplements - they are a waste of money and mostly bad for your health in the long run.
# 18
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06/10/2008 2:09 pm
Originally Posted by: hunter60There are plenty of groin injuries from overly agressive stretching to be sure but I have seen the very same in football, track and baseball. To each his own about what arts are more effective. It's solely up to individual. I have fought in tournaments against folks from a variety of arts. Each has its strength and weakness. I only advised TKD as it has been my art for ten years and the increased leg strength I developed has helped me run and complete 4 full marathons.

Each person needs to find what works for them. I am a short, somewhat muscular person. TKD because of it's use of the high kicking helps me when I go up against someone taller who has a natural reach advantage. But again, that's me. To each his own.

I never realy liked TKD either as a truly effective fighting system simply because it is overly technique based and disregards the modern fighting techniques of a well trained opponent. Then again, that goes for most traditional arts - karate included. TKD and other traditional styles are excellent for fitness and mental discipline though (TKD is particularly good for flexibility acrobatic kicks but you can't beat a solid shin to the side of the thigh at the end of the day :eek: ).
For anyone interested, I fought in the universities open in the Tokyo Budokan back in 1995 - it was mostly Muai Thai but there were also some Shorinji Kenpo guys there too. I was one of the only heavy weights so I was lucky to get away with a medal from two fights and a broken nose. It was crazy though, they had guys scrub the blood off the canvas in between bouts. Needless to say I only did it the once!
Then I got into MMA and trained at Kiyoshi Tamura's U-File Camp (Rings Japan champ and Pride fighter) all the time training in Budo taijutsu (under Ishizuka when I was in Japan and Brian McCarthy in Dublin). The Pride fighter was the most dangerous guy I trained with but the traditional arts were the most fulfilling in terms of a life path for health, outlook and philosophy.
The thing I've learnt in 20 years of training is that there is no one best style but there are common threads that can be utilised depending on body type, speed and your oponents qualities. A great UFC fighter I recently saw that mixed his traditional karate with jujitsu and MMA is Ueda Machida - very impressive. Anyhoo - sorry for hijacking the thread, I always love to talk martial arts!
# 19
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06/10/2008 4:47 pm
there is always jeet kun do

the total gym is a funny thing.

you use your bodys weight as resistance so you do max out very fast. but you can build lean muscle very fast and i havent found any better other than hanging up side down and doing sit up and back extension for training your core. there is also no better warm up, streching and cooldown streching machine out there for this money. if you need work on your groin, hip flexors abductors minor muscle groups in your back shoulders chest neck and legs, this is the way to go.

if you have sportsmart( i think there are under a different name now) they might have some to try.

my neighbor has a boflex and he paid about $1500 for it
They say the END is near, but I'm Tired of waiting.
# 20

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