I kinda dropped that other concept that I was working on cause it was a little gloomy and now fairly out dated. Still kinda interesting but this one is a quite a bit different.
Still very early so I am not gonna go into any detail, just let me know what you think.
Numb fingers grip this mop
and blindly clean these floors
a rhythm sits on top
it keeps the mind on chores
when the pattern breaks your mind seems fake
but thats just because you look
when the pattern breaks you see your fate
a bowl dwelling fish on a hook
Frightened fingers find the locks
and the keys they always had
disjointed from the knock
that freed them from this land
when the pattern broke your coma woke
and you fell from dark to light
when the pattern broke the light revealed
that you wished you had no sight
now fingers find a door
and enter to the light
the rhythm shifts some more
their fear persists in spite
This is an older song I wrote a while ago and recently rewrote. Let me know.
this probably almost a year old at this point...
All the horses at their gates
drink their jockeys start the race
cool spring air and nerves on fire
now descend into the mire
Down black holes on spiral stairs
[into] sound that rips and sneers and tears
[a] sea of heads that float about
[and] drown themselves to shut you out
Meet a face forget the name
just enough to stop the pain
alien thoughts that cloud the frame
an open windows taunts the lame
check your compass make a call
nothing now can stop your fall
a line of light that leads the way
your saving grace your legs betray
Back into the black night air
stop to see that no ones there
collect your thoughts and turn around
retrieve someone you haven't found
burning sticks and clouds of dust
taste like dirt but calm your lust
search again you cannot see
a face that looks like it is free
finally find a familiar face
and start the end run of the race
you see her and are only stunned
she chooses you and points her gun
a fatal flaw? did she lie?
should you not have even tried
you stumble blind across the line
and a broken heart is all you find
Harsh crits welcome. Have fun. :)