Originally Posted by: Drew77I'd be interested in the meanings you found. As well as imagery you really liked/didn't get. Thats is why I posted it. i didn't really intend on getting into another philosophical debate.
Anyway if you have the time and don't mind elaborating on the meanings you picked up I would really appreciate it.
Well, you asked for it! Seriously, I haven't spent much time on the second compostion, but first one I have and I sort of like it.
Verse 1: What I derived from the first verse is that some terrible has happened in your life. You are functioning in life, but sort of in a daze. You are in a state of denial.
Verse 2: You are beginning to come back to reality. You are being to cope, but you are still grieving and don't want to face the facts.
Verse 3: You are scared to go on. You fear living, but know you must.
Verse 4: Reality has totally set in. You realize what has happened and wish you were back in the dark.
Verse 5: You move on, because you know you must. Living becomes easier, but you still grieve and you will never forget.
What I get from it is that you lost someone you loved very deeply and you are the healing process.
Very nice, but a bit too much thinking and analysising for me. .
I also understood, you're writing not to please anyone. You are writing to help release some of your pain. You are writing for yourself. Therefore, song structure doesn't matter. You call it experimental or progressive. I call it not wanting to conform, which is fine. I have my views and you have yours.
I belief you are talented and could reach many more than just this BB. If you put you song in a more conventional format and rewrote it, you would gain everybody's interest and you could have a very sucessful song. And is that really so bad? To share your story with the many people who are going through the same thing you are. What wonderful thing that would, a true legacy and tribune to your lost one.
Anyway, that's what I got from you piece. Now you can tell me I am competely wrong and that was not what you intended.
I do like it.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and count you blessings! :)