I'm a fan of all the dudes at GT (and the chicks), but I'm probably a biggest fan of these folks:
Akira- hilarious
CW14- sure, he spams a bit, but it's not advertising. It's just funny as hell.
Silent Music- Irishman
Pony_One- Quentin Tarantino with an affinity for birds
Doc Simon- No longer wants to pop me like a zit!
LATS- For some reason digs some of my lyrics, not to mention is a gear master.
Rask- pwned.
Leedogg and PRSplaya- figured I'd put them together, they put me first in their video!
Magicninja- for the coolest name ever.
Cryptic Excretions- You really should change your name.
Oh how could I forget
Eggman- big fan of the Egg (e-bow, regular violin bow)
Iiholly- Hey, anybody who likes my songs is cool with me.
Squirrelmaster5- Has never posted, but it's my other guitarist's username
Alucard093275982375- whatever the numbers are.
If I forgot anyone, sorry, I'll add you if you really want. Unless I'm not a big fan of you. Then I won't add you.
I want the bomb
I want the P-funk!
My band is better than yours...