I know this is a rather ancient thread, and I'm sorry for bumping it up :o , but I realised that my post on this thread was rather brusque and only included two people. So I'll expand it to include as many people as I can remember!
Special thanks to..
#Jon, Schmange, Raskolnikov, all the other mods, and everybody else who keeps this show on the road.
#Dr. Simon, PRSPlaya and LATS: between you, you seem to know everything worth knowing about the guitar! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
#Jolly McJollyson: Songwriter, musical theorist and comedian extraordinaire, who also deflates my bloated ego whenever it need some serious deflation. The boards wouldn't be the same without you.
#Magicninja: You've helped me out more times than I can count!
#Cryptic Excretions: For many memorable moments of mirth.
#Stackny: For many (and I mean many) a scintillating debate.
#6strngs2hmbkrs, Andrew Sa, PonyOne, and anyone else who has given me advice on my personal life.
#Earthman buck: For all those rep points I didn't realise I was getting!
#Poontang Clan: Anybody who thinks that I'm cool is fine by me. Deluded, but fine by me.
And to everybody else whose names I can remember off the top of my head (ie. Akira, Hammurabi, rockonn91, ericthecableguy, acapella rapeme, eggman, aschleman, Tele Master, Julian Vickers, CW14, Tonja Renee, jeffhx, arska007, elklandercc, Leedogg, Blues Man, iiholly, pure, alucard0941, Guitar guy, z0s0-jp, Gaddy, sailorjim, Rsam16, Big Buda, Infectious, leetyguy, sheepy770, heknowsnothing, R. Shackleferd, silentmusic, Superhuman, JFRICK, M.E.S., Fenderalltheway, The Ace, quickfingers... umm, that's all I can remember) - you guys make this place great. As Jeff Fenech would say, "I love youse all" :D .
To anybody I forgot, sorry! I appreciate you, too!
"It's all folk music... I ain't never heard no horse sing!"
- Attributed variously to Leadbelly and Louis Armstrong
If at first you don't succeed, you are obviously not Chuck Norris.
l337iZmz r@wk o.K!!!??>