I'm with pony, I love horror films, and films that are just downright twisted. of course, there has to be a plot to it, otherwise it's boring, but I've got no problems seeing peoples eyes fall out of their sockets, and then having them pick it up and squeeze it so all the juices explode everywhere... yeah, I'm a sick twisted freak. so what?
btw, haven't seen saw II, but saw the first one (most of it.. I fell asleep for like 20 minutes of it) it was a pretty good movie, good plot to it. overall pretty good. nothing amazing, but still pretty good.
I like movies like the butterfly effect (despite having ashton kutcher play the main character.. eww..) and the jacket. movies where you are like "wtf is going on?" and then at the end you finally understand and go "ohhhh!"
the ring one and two were some pretty good movies, the exorcism of emily rose was pretty good, but could have been better if it wasn't based on a true story, then they could have put in a better ending... for example: everyone dies!
I saw the devil's rejects, and wow, rob zombie is a sick twisted freak! which is totally awesome! alot of the blood was digital, and the acting was mediocre.. but some of the ideas and images in the movie were downright disturbing! which is why I liked the movie.
I can't think of any others I've seen recently, but I'm sure there are some. I do plan on seeing hostel. perhaps take a girl to go see it with me (horror movies are best for first dates.. cause then they get scared.. and then you reach over and hold their hand. yeah, good stuff.)
oh yeah, anybody seen crywolf? was it any good?