Dog-Gon Rappers

Why is it that people that like rap and pop and all of that bullshyte have no respect for real music?! I played Stairway to Heaven for my sister (who likes 'N Sync) and she said it sounded like crap! WHAT THE HELL!!! That just pisses me off! She said that one of the best musical pieces of all time SOUNDED LIKE CRAP! As if that whoop-di-whoop, chicka-chicka crap that she listens to is the holy music of the gods! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHY!?!
# 1

People Listen to rap and pop i think, because it is all they ever known. most likely they grew up around it, or just because there friends listen to it, they gots to.
# 2

# 3

What I'm wondering though, is how come some people just don't respect beautiful works of art. You know, I don't really like classical music, but I at least have respect for it because it requires some skill to write those pieces. But some people just call it crap because they just don't think it sounds good.
# 4

it dont matter if it sounds good to them. if they grow up being told and hearing that country music sucks ass, that is what they will say, or rock, or classical even.
# 5

rap just sucks all it is a drum machine and gay ass lyrics
oh gunna bust a cap **** thats not the beauty of real music its just bull**** same beat same subject who cares about the life and **** i sure don't i respect it a little
i guess i don't care :-)
oh gunna bust a cap **** thats not the beauty of real music its just bull**** same beat same subject who cares about the life and **** i sure don't i respect it a little
i guess i don't care :-)
# 6

....well, they'e just not listening close enough, this song has a great variety of almost everything you could wan't in a song. Its easy for someone to distinguish a song as fair, but your efforts are most rewarded when you can take the time to discover the true value of it all...
As a musician whats important to a lot of us is finding that white cloud, where we feel that we're floating above everything else, our vehicle to be creative. Rap music works for a lot of people, and I guess theres a message behind it all, but it just doesn't take to that place everything stands still and nothing matters at all, [i]it just doesn't do much for me.
Of course when it comes to music everyone is entitled to their opinion, but what really bugs me is how some people feel that rap music is that only music available. I mean theres such a great variety of music around, and its ridiculous to live and die by Rap without discovering the many other possibilities. I think its safe to say that everyone loves to hear a beautiful voice, someone who uses their voice as an instrument instead of a weapon.
As a musician whats important to a lot of us is finding that white cloud, where we feel that we're floating above everything else, our vehicle to be creative. Rap music works for a lot of people, and I guess theres a message behind it all, but it just doesn't take to that place everything stands still and nothing matters at all, [i]it just doesn't do much for me.
Of course when it comes to music everyone is entitled to their opinion, but what really bugs me is how some people feel that rap music is that only music available. I mean theres such a great variety of music around, and its ridiculous to live and die by Rap without discovering the many other possibilities. I think its safe to say that everyone loves to hear a beautiful voice, someone who uses their voice as an instrument instead of a weapon.
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 7

I may be able to offer a unique perspective on this subject, the listening to rap and pop starts from an early at school. Children have to be in with the latest fashions and such, therefore they all buy the same clothes, have the same hair styles and listen to and buy the same music....
'Yo sarah have you heard Britney Spears latest song (crap -sorry!)' 'yes i have its cool'.
There you go. This culture continues into their teens then to adult-hood. 'Chuckle, Eminem just said s*!t' oh really but can he play the guitar?, can he play like jimmy page? Methinks NOT!
I was one of these kids,but i started listening to sumin a friend had on ( i think it was a sabbath track?) and i was hooked, i started to get some CD's, purchased an axe and have never looked back!
So all of you out there, if i catch you listening to Ms Spears or N-s*!t i will come round ya place and beat the living c£*p out of you then shove the CD's up your a$$!
Keep it real axemen!
'Yo sarah have you heard Britney Spears latest song (crap -sorry!)' 'yes i have its cool'.
There you go. This culture continues into their teens then to adult-hood. 'Chuckle, Eminem just said s*!t' oh really but can he play the guitar?, can he play like jimmy page? Methinks NOT!
I was one of these kids,but i started listening to sumin a friend had on ( i think it was a sabbath track?) and i was hooked, i started to get some CD's, purchased an axe and have never looked back!
So all of you out there, if i catch you listening to Ms Spears or N-s*!t i will come round ya place and beat the living c£*p out of you then shove the CD's up your a$$!
Keep it real axemen!
SiLVER says..., you'll be famous one day!
# 8

My kids love all the modern music, rap etc.
When they turn on the T.V. there is MTV, TMF etc., Mostly it's all very commercial. They stab it in their brains.
I have lots of good music on CD and mostly they don't like it. Except one kid loves a CD of the Throwing Muses (the first album, if you know the record you ask yourself, how is that possible?, I don't know.)
I get crazy, when they turn on MTV and TMF especially in the morning, otherwise they get crazy when I am playing guitar. It's all give and take and hoping for better taste in the future. When I was fifteen I did not have any records at all. Nowadays they haven't room enough to store all the CD's at that age.
When they turn on the T.V. there is MTV, TMF etc., Mostly it's all very commercial. They stab it in their brains.
I have lots of good music on CD and mostly they don't like it. Except one kid loves a CD of the Throwing Muses (the first album, if you know the record you ask yourself, how is that possible?, I don't know.)
I get crazy, when they turn on MTV and TMF especially in the morning, otherwise they get crazy when I am playing guitar. It's all give and take and hoping for better taste in the future. When I was fifteen I did not have any records at all. Nowadays they haven't room enough to store all the CD's at that age.
# 9
Kirk Hammett is God, this is one time i'm going to have to agree with you. i also played stairway for my sister and she too hates it, she also said eruption was not a very good solo. it's so frustrating to see all these people listening and glorifying rap, which is just talking in front of an electric drum beat. it's sad to see any god**** person with limited talent make it big, while people like us work our asses off learning guitar. in addition, performers like britney spears and n'sync who don't even write their own songs, don't even sing live, they lip sync. all their talent is studio made. obviously, i'm very passionate about this subject, it just bugs me. don't even get me started about the show "pop stars," or "making the band."
one of the things i like about metallica, is that even though they are probably one of the most mainstream metal bands, they still write pure rock songs, something that is becoming a long lost art.
one of the things i like about metallica, is that even though they are probably one of the most mainstream metal bands, they still write pure rock songs, something that is becoming a long lost art.
To improve technique and of course trying to keep all as clean as possible. I know my own limits and speed limits and so on I never play anything I'm not capable of. That wouldn't make any sense. After three years of playing I tried to play everything as fast as possible and that sounded, I would say, like shit, and I didn't realize that if I'd play bit slower things than I was capable of playing then everything would sound much better.
--Aleksi Laiho - Advice to Play By
--Aleksi Laiho - Advice to Play By
# 10

That's what I'm talking about right there. Why would someone like someone who does something that any five-year-old could do when there's so many talented people that work their @$$s off to make great music?
# 11
Sooner or later they grow out of pop and rap most of the times when their around a mature enough age where they actually LISTEN to music not just hear it, but actually listen to the notes that are being played or they'll just listen the the new "rock" bands of today with the one finger inverted power chords and seven string guitars dropped 90 thousand steps and think that they are the greatest guitar players of all time which is a whole other thread.
"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
# 12

It's like music has become an industry where music is produced in large factories, through machines who just spits out thousands of copies. And people buys it.
Thinking of all those boy bands in particular.
They´re like puppets, put together, given a piece of paper of how they are going to act, to say in the media and what to sing. Since the MTV and the radiostations are all in this world wide conspiracy and only playing that kind of music, average people only get to know that kind of music.
It all seems so false, it's like hollywood in some way.
But I hope there still will be people who will put their hearts and minds into the music they are creating through hard work. About that Rap-music, It's not my style, but i respect hardworking musicians who really beleives in what they're doing and has put a personal stamp on it by telling us other " this is me and this is how i feel about things and i mean it).
Thinking of all those boy bands in particular.
They´re like puppets, put together, given a piece of paper of how they are going to act, to say in the media and what to sing. Since the MTV and the radiostations are all in this world wide conspiracy and only playing that kind of music, average people only get to know that kind of music.
It all seems so false, it's like hollywood in some way.
But I hope there still will be people who will put their hearts and minds into the music they are creating through hard work. About that Rap-music, It's not my style, but i respect hardworking musicians who really beleives in what they're doing and has put a personal stamp on it by telling us other " this is me and this is how i feel about things and i mean it).
They where called strange fruit...
# 13

What i hate about the boy bands is they dont even write there own music!!!!!!!!! MTV isn't playing anything good and hasnt for some time now. people need to stop watching MTV.
Max McDougall
# 14

This is a subject very dear to my heart, for like 16 years of my 18 years on this earth i lived and breathed rap and r and b and i know a lot of it is garbage, but some is good. And i hear a lot of you just quoting cliche things about rap which aint so. A lot of today's rap has good instrumentation in it(even though it might be 8 seconds of music looped over and over)but it's not just a drum machine a lot of today's rap has classical and spanish type vibe that's very good. For a while back in the 80's rappers just rapped over a drum and that was it. I can understand a lot of people listening to rap, i can understand myself listening to rap, you know in the hood that's basically all we were shown. No one really wants to reach out and embrace another type of music or anything different(i'm probally stilh the only one around my area who listens to rock) , if i hadn't picked up the guitar i don't think i would be listening to rock now and open to all types of music. The same type of judgement you say people pass against rock is the same type scenario you pass against rap, not knowing the all about it and can condemn it or say it's trash. It's all a respect thing. My bro is an awesome rapper and my uncle is one of the best old school rappers around. I think it's cool that i can respect my bro in what he does and he has much respect in what i do and in my abilty as a true musician, and that we can sit down and collab with me making tight beats together. And i'm sick of how people saying how rappers live, this that and the other, i mean it ain't really nobody's business what the heck the buy. Rock musicians have just as much and spend just as much money.
"Take my hand boss"
# 15
I agree totally here. Rap sure isn't my thing, but the fact is (as in all genres) that their's the true artists, and the commercialy immitators. I think that it's easier to make a "fake" rapper than it is a rock band, but Techno is even easier than rap to fake. SO...
Lets look at this like the resonable human beings and artists I hope we all are:
1). It does take talant to Rap- lyrics are lyrics folks
2). Don't confuse the commercialized crap that's put out en masse with the real thing. If you think all rap is the sterio typical "gansta" rap, then you despeately need to check out some Public Enemy and KRS-1. Most old school rap is at the least very clever stuff- even if it's a song about big butts.
3). Many rappers are musicians. Turn Tables is an insturment. If you don't beleive me, try putting a needle down on a record in exactly the right spot to make a specific sound, or to mix two records together- LIVE. Also, you do find traditional "rock" instruments being played in Rap, take the Bestie Boys or Jurassic Five for instance.
4). MTV does shove good music in with the duldrums of it's average broadcast day. I don't care what any of you think, Incubus is an awesome band (though I pray they don't sell out on me), and I have seen them live so I know they're better than you hear on the radio.
So what do I think are the important factors?
Live performance, is absolutely critical in my mind. As a musician I feel it's all about the live show (though I love to record). You have to be able to create music that's interesting and original, and you need to be able to pull it off on stage in front of an audience (which goes back to point one).
Remember folks, this is art.
Lets look at this like the resonable human beings and artists I hope we all are:
1). It does take talant to Rap- lyrics are lyrics folks
2). Don't confuse the commercialized crap that's put out en masse with the real thing. If you think all rap is the sterio typical "gansta" rap, then you despeately need to check out some Public Enemy and KRS-1. Most old school rap is at the least very clever stuff- even if it's a song about big butts.
3). Many rappers are musicians. Turn Tables is an insturment. If you don't beleive me, try putting a needle down on a record in exactly the right spot to make a specific sound, or to mix two records together- LIVE. Also, you do find traditional "rock" instruments being played in Rap, take the Bestie Boys or Jurassic Five for instance.
4). MTV does shove good music in with the duldrums of it's average broadcast day. I don't care what any of you think, Incubus is an awesome band (though I pray they don't sell out on me), and I have seen them live so I know they're better than you hear on the radio.
So what do I think are the important factors?
Live performance, is absolutely critical in my mind. As a musician I feel it's all about the live show (though I love to record). You have to be able to create music that's interesting and original, and you need to be able to pull it off on stage in front of an audience (which goes back to point one).
Remember folks, this is art.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 16

Well let`s just say that when i heard Stairway to heaven the first time,my mouth went open and i just listened to the most beautiful work of art ever made.Now i can play that song and i know that it takes a genius to make that song.
Rap and pop is a kind of music you don`t need much talent to make.These boybands suck big time!In the place where i live,everybody thinks "Come with me" is a great song and they actually think Puff Daddy made it,they really ought to listen Led Zeppelins Kashmir!I also don`t like classical music that much,but i do have respect for it because it`s really not easy to make a masterpiece, but for rap and pop i don`t have any respect because their makers are untalented pieces of ****!If i ever hear somebody talk about Metallica being a bunch of heary apes again,i ****ing rip their ****ing tongues out!!!
And as for you Kirk Hammet is god,keep it up believeng in Metallica and Kirk.Kirk Hammett is god!
Rap and pop is a kind of music you don`t need much talent to make.These boybands suck big time!In the place where i live,everybody thinks "Come with me" is a great song and they actually think Puff Daddy made it,they really ought to listen Led Zeppelins Kashmir!I also don`t like classical music that much,but i do have respect for it because it`s really not easy to make a masterpiece, but for rap and pop i don`t have any respect because their makers are untalented pieces of ****!If i ever hear somebody talk about Metallica being a bunch of heary apes again,i ****ing rip their ****ing tongues out!!!
And as for you Kirk Hammet is god,keep it up believeng in Metallica and Kirk.Kirk Hammett is god!
# 17

Well can you really blame puffy if people believe it's his song. Did he ever come out and said this is my song? I wrote this? Huh? I don't think Jimmy Page had a problem with it, if he did i couldn't tell. If you want to blame someone you blame the people in your town. I don't really like puffy, i think he's a better business man, than a rapper by far. Why can't a rap guy cover or sample something without people saying they think they made it. I remember when keith richards had a beef with puffy, i feel if you ain't got nothing nice to say, keep it. It was sad, it was a shameless attempt for people to think about him and remember that he's still alive. And you can't say the backstreet boys or n'sync are talentless, that's not true. Just because you don't prefer their music don't say there talentless, cause you know it would be a lie if you said they couldn't sing, the boys have pipes, but they ain't my musical prefernce.
"Take my hand boss"
# 18

All Ive read here is people immediately putitng down rap and pop. 2 people have stood up for rap and none for pop music. And to be honest I didnt even expect that. This is a typical rock attitude. Yeah, all these boybands may be manufactured with one intention, to make money. But there out there every night, enertaining thousands of kids. Take Britney Spears for example, she may not write classic songs, but she writes good songs. She may not be a great singer, but millions of kids buy her albums. I mean I hear here songs on the radio, and I know you do too. Their not classics, their pop songs their not supposed to. And I find myself whistling them and I know Im not alone. Whoever started this thread was complaining that his sister didnt like Stairway to Heaven then later goes on and starts saying all Nsync and all are crap. She heard Stairway and didnt like it, so what. the first time I heard Stairway to Heaven I didnt like it. Sure, I was 5 but still it took years before I realised the genius behind it. Im sure alot of these pop bands and rappers have worked just as hard as rock bands and have basically sacrificed their youth to be famous. They cant walk out in public like any us, they couldnt. They spend all day either on the road or in hotel rooms.
"We don't turn off the radio just because Britney Spears comes on. Will we buy the Cd? I don't think so. But we listen to what's going on."
Steven Tyler - Aerosmith
"We don't turn off the radio just because Britney Spears comes on. Will we buy the Cd? I don't think so. But we listen to what's going on."
Steven Tyler - Aerosmith
# 19

I didn`t mean to blame puffy i just say that people are stupid who don`t know who to give the credit for making a song and telling everybody else that rock is piece of **** and they don`t like the music even thou they haven`t heard from it because they simply don`t know anything about it.I should blame the people who keep telling things they know nothing about.Ihave nothing against pop or rap artists,i just think they go much less trouble through making songs and lots of artists do it only because of money.i`m not making it all up,i just know kind of how it works.
"WE`ll never stop WE´ll never quit cause we´re Metallica"
[Edited by kirk5 on 05-19-2001 at 07:40 PM]
"WE`ll never stop WE´ll never quit cause we´re Metallica"
[Edited by kirk5 on 05-19-2001 at 07:40 PM]
# 20