Lucky for us the chorus is straight forward; it has no "crooked" bars and it is played the same way every time!
We have three lines consisting of a bar of E and a half bar each of C and D, and our fourth line is the familiar half bar of C, half bar of D, and a bar of E.
Lesson Info
Caren Armstrong
Tutorial Lessons
- Kiss From A Rose: Introduction
- Kiss From A Rose: Gear & Tone
- There Used To Be: The Key
- Alone on the Sea: The Chords
- Became the Light: Right Hand Strum
- A Graying Tower: Fingerpick
- Light that You Shine: Song Form
- My Eyes Became Large: Song Intro
- Stranger It Feels: Verses Overview
- Love Remained: Verse #1
- You Remain: Verse #2
- So Much He Can Say: Verse #3
- I Compare You: Chorus
- Gloom on the Gray: Transition
- When It Snows: The Bridge
- Rose is in Bloom: Ending
- Kiss From A Rose: Performance
- Kiss From A Rose: Jam Along