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Kiss From A Rose

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Now let's look at the second verse. We have six lines/phrases here, instead of five. There's only one that's "crooked", with a bar of 9/8, but there's some variation in other spots.

We start just like the first verse, with a bar of E and a half bar each of C and D. The second line is also as it appears in the first verse; it's "crooked", playing E for a bar of 9/8 and again a half a bar each of C and D.

The third line in this verse is where there's one variation: we come to a stop on the E chord and mute our strums. Then we proceed as normal with half a bar each of C and D. Our fourth phrase is the same except we do not stop and mute on the E chord.

Our fifth phrase is 2 bars long, with half a bar of E major then half a bar of E minor, and again half a bar each of C and D. Our last line is our now familiar C, D, and a bar of E.

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Kiss From A Rose