Well, it seems to me that the term "sell out" (and poser and any variant of homosexual) are higly subject to interpretation these days. It all seems to correlate though to a combonation people's prespectives, how open minded they are, and how easily trivial things piss them off. I'm not sure exactly how the formula works, but I'm working on roughing it out by saying
exactly what I think in Metallica Chat on AIM (if you don't use AIM or AOL now, don't bother, it's really not worth the download).
So anyway, what's the point? I'm not sure, but I'll tell you exactly what thoughts have popped into my head just now. I know a few of them are going to leave a few people feeling slightly to rather miffed, but I think it's better to say what you think than placate the masses.
I don't think guitar is going away for a few hundred years, too many people play and it's very adaptable. The form will change, and probably the features (7 strings, etc).
Bands will come and go and do their thing in the process, but very few will be remembered by our children.
It's a bit unfair to single out Godsmack, for they aren't alone but, I really hope that someday soon the masses will realize that Godsmack doesn't have a riff that Alice in Chains didn't write (not to mention a logo AiC hasn't used), and renounce them for the plagurism they've committed. This of course won't happen because the masses generally don't play guitar, don't remember AiC, and don't care.
This just illustrates the frustrations related to being a musician. We all see things in the scene that annoy us to no end and we're powerless to change. Just remember that
no music is more important than your own. If we can do that, then the pop craze of the hour matters a lot less and we can all focus on playing things that we find individually satisfying.
Guitar Tricks ModeratorCareful what you wish for friend
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