Were Dealing With A New Species.....

jake sommers
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jake sommers
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01/21/2001 5:08 pm
wassup everybody, just thinking about all the pop and crap in the world today, and started thinking about how we have a new species of pop artists far stronger than any we have ever experienced. I think they're like highly evolved roaches. You know back in the 80's and early nineties, a pop or bubblegum person could get a hit and that would be it, they might try to put a second album but it would fail horribly. I hear a lot of people say "bubble gum like that will just blow away, just wait a year" I don't feel it's going anywhere, you know they're putting out successful albums back to back. When limp bizkit first came out people were like" well that band won't be here next year" but they have stood to put out three successful albums. Britney "OMG" sucks like no other, but she ain't going nowhere, britney and a lot of other bogus artist like the bsb and n'sync are gonna be around til they walk away from the biz or just turn 30. Does that mean we have to keep hearing from these guys for 5-8 more years? I hope not.
I think there should be an entire system of networking channels to keep no-talent,bubblegum-blowin',teen-crooning,heart-throbbin' schmoes like that from reaching the mainstream. But it think it works the other way around, were they keep out the good stuff. I also think that Nickelodeon has a hand in pushing people like that, cause i notice they are on these bubblegum kids like 4 or 5 months before they even come out. i'm sick of aaron carter, i'm sick of britney, i'm sick of bsb, and i'm sick of n'sync.
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# 1
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01/21/2001 5:21 pm
my friend, never fear, they will blow away. Even if the record companies have gotten better at promotion, the people they're selling these records to are still as fickle and have even shorter attention spans. I think a part of this is that they're selling these records to even younger people than they used to. Anyway, the fact is they'll go out of fassion some day soon and their fan base will drop them faster than a toddler can smother a hampster.
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Noah Certz
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01/21/2001 7:36 pm
I'm new here and I agree with you 100% on your dislike of bubblegum music, but it does have its place for the pre-teen and early teen market. Lets face it not too many 14 year olds want to hear B.B. King. I found a solution, in my area and I'm sure all over the country there are public radio stations that never play any of that kind of music. It's worth your while to check them out, and whats more they are commercial free, so you don't have to listen to some guy scream at you to by their brand of car or what ever. Anyway thats my $.02
Thanks for listening, Noah
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01/21/2001 7:54 pm
You know, I was thinking about this the other day and what I came up with is this: Not only do the record companies push this type of music more than ever, but there is an overabundance of people making this music. Remember disco? This is the new millenium and disco has a new name... "Boy Bands". Also, I think it has a great deal to do with actual song writing. Britney Spears had a song written for her by Mutt Lang. Now let's face it, Mutt is a well known song writer and anything he touches goes platinum. As far as the BSBs' and their song writing goes, it's fairly new to them. They just barely started writing songs. I don't know if I'm the only one that noticed this, but all the songs that they write sound exactly the same as their old songs. People are already getting tired of this. This type of music is really starting to get played out and soon people will look for more than just a good beat to listen to. The time for bands with a message is coming abroad us. Look out for metal bands like Static-X, System Of A Down, and Chiselhead to blow up in the near future.
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# 4
jake sommers
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01/22/2001 11:59 pm
I have a certain respect for disco/funk/mix/soul type era, i like some of it like the commodores, sly and the family..earth,wind and fire and people along that line, but a lot of the disco artists and singers back then played there own instruments and whatnot(and the brass and sax's kicked), boy bands don't, i saw n sync try to play instruments before and they sucked like no other, It was like a dumb blonde trying to walk and chew gum at the same time.
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01/23/2001 12:31 am
I have respect for anyone who takes their music seriously. Whether or not I will like the music is a totally different question. And as far as you liking some of the Disco/Funk/Whatever because they played their own instruments brings up a whole new topic... isn't your voice an instument? Hmmmm... I do believe it is. I just really don't like bands/groups that are created by record companies. But at the same time I do respect them because they all work their a$$es off to do what they do. But should they recieve as much popularity and fortune that they get for it? Oh, one more note about the whole instrument topic. Kid Rock is well know for being able to play the drums, guitar, bass, and turn tables and ya know what? He's not even talented at any of them. He just knows enough to fool people who don't know any better.
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# 6
jake sommers
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01/23/2001 1:58 am
yep, hit it right on the head bad horsie. You gotta respect people who got talent even if they aren't your own personal preference to listen to. Yeah kid rock does fool people, he's one of those cats that somebody told him or showed him how to do a little something on an instrument, but as far as knowing or actually playing it, he can't, he probally knows just as many guitar chords as phoebe on friends. He's not as musically well-rounded as he would liek you believe.I can show a drunk on the corner something on guitar and he can go show another guy what i showed himn, does that mean he knows how to play the guitar? Hell no, kid rock just knows what his band mates showed him. And nothing more, oh and a few open and barre chords, and that's about it. I gotta say he does have an awesome band that backs him up though. and i agree your voice is an instrument, Christina aguilera might be put in the same category with britney, but there's a difference, christina is one of if not the best female singer in the world, and that's in my strong opinion, She's one of those singers who will be around forever, no matter what she looks like, no matter how old she is, she got down-right talent. i know she's thrown in the same category with the boy bands and bubble gum. i know she appeals to teens, but i feel she's an exception to the rule.
"Take my hand boss"
# 7
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01/23/2001 4:39 am
Their's still a certain hollow nature to the music though that I still feel. What's the point of incredible singing with no lyrical value, no inovative music, or any real substance other than the talent of the singer? Or any other person in the band? Granted it's cool to say "yep, their's talent" but to me it's wasted talent. Of course, I can't really say they shouldn't be able to make the music, I just wish people would think about it more. I think we'de find that bands like Morphine would have gone places while the pop stars of today played cheap sleazy lounges.
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# 8
jake sommers
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01/23/2001 5:22 am
I agree with you ras, but many of the boybands and bubblegum acts, have done what you said they haven't done, most have sung in cheezy hotel lounges and bars, have been in half a dozen singing groups and whatnot. They show a lot of dedication in what they do, cause most of these kids try to make it from the age four and then when they hit 17,18,19 years old they finally make it. So i feel they have paid there dues in a sense, running from audition to audition, trying to make it. Most of them put more time into what they do than most rock artists have. So i can't knock em on that, because i feel everyone can make it if we showed that type of dedication in what we want to do that they have.
"Take my hand boss"
# 9

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01/23/2001 4:45 pm
Christina Aguilara the best female singer in the world? I dunno about that... maybe the best on MTV.
# 10
jake sommers
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01/23/2001 5:52 pm
In the world in my opinion, girl get can hit more octaves than mariah. I ain't heard nobody like her in all my born days. And you can't incredelitate(is that a word, well if it ain't, it should be)her just because she appears on mtv. i don't like what she sings about, but at the same time i'm in total awe of what she can do. ol' girl can pop,slap,tap,slide,sweep,pinch harmonic,bend,release bend,drill,trill and every thing in between with that voice of hers. I heard her sing At last by etta james on vh1, i mean my body was like ice cold and i could feel every single hair on my body stand on end, and only a few singers can make me feel that way. Even if she is on mtv, there's no need to knock her for that. Every 4 or 5 years mtv actually gets someone with some outstanding talent, and i think she is the one. Also ras, the three tenors are looked at like musical geniuses but they sing operas that they didn't write, is that wasted talent? Lots of classical pianisst, do nothing but play other people's classical music does that mean talent is wasted, cause they aren't playing there own stuff?
"Take my hand boss"
# 11

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01/23/2001 10:02 pm
I don't deny that she has a great voice, but I think there are people who do it a lot better who don't get that much play time. but then I don't know the female vocalist scene that well, maybe you do and I'm completely wrong. But have you ever heard of Sarah Brightman? That's someone who comes to mind who has an angelic voice, unsurpassed range, and writes great music.
# 12
jake sommers
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01/23/2001 11:09 pm
Yea sarah is an awesome singer, and has the added plus that she writes her stuff. I just feel that aguilera's voice is just so raw and versatile, she can just go down and get those low notes, down-in-da-dirt type singing like aretha, and then switch it up by jumping up 4 octaves like an artificial harmonic and do it with ease. And just listen to her solo, she's awesome at soloing, she does stuff that you would play on guitar with her voice. Maybe she's not the best in the world, but i feel she's the best in the category of women who are out there in the public eye. It aint fair for me to say she's the best, cause there can be some house wife out there who can outsing her. But if you wanna know why i hold the girl in such high regard download Augilera's "At Last" or "Have yourself a merry christmas." And you'll see. -jake
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01/24/2001 3:51 am
To me it's not entirely the type of music or musician, it's the intent. If you love Bach and Strause, then dedicating your life to playing that type of music is certainly worth it. And we've all heard classical music played with passion, and we all know how powerful and moving it can be. As for the boy bands, I've seen the kids who become that sort of thing (not only with music). It's often not their dream, but something their parents pushed on them. Now I'm not saying their isn't talent there; you can't fake stage presance, but if I can't hear sincerity in the music, I hear waste. Not only the lack of sincertiy, but hearing the same song structures, the same lyrical ideas, the same instrumentation and production over and over again. We're musicians folks, we hear this stuff, and I know it drives me nuts.
Mark Sandman did more on two strings played with a slide than most pop songs ever will. It's saddening that despite his brilliant songwriting, powerful lyrics, and unique vision he died in relative obscurity, and sure most of these folks will in time, but still their songs will get played for ever on hit radio stations.
I think the heart of this is that I think we all need to remember that pop culture is going to do whatever it's going to do. The record companys are going to capitalize on this regardless of what all of us think is ethical as far as music is concerned. Either our music fits in at the time or it doesn't. So someday soon the trends will change, and all kinds of pop stars are going to be thinking of new ways to sell themselfs. I don't know about you, but I'll still be doing what I love.

By the way, I think Nina Gordon and Joan Osborn are both killer singers, and they've both been picked up by the same sort of industry thing other pop stars get sloshed into.
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jake sommers
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jake sommers
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01/24/2001 4:18 am
I'm straight feeling you on that. I think were seeing eye to eye on the same pizzage.

[Edited by jake sommers on 01-23-2001 at 11:24 PM]
"Take my hand boss"
# 15
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01/25/2001 7:51 pm
Guys, listen to what you like, ignore what you don't. It's a waste of your time and energy to wonder why other people like what you don't. That only becomes important to image makers and record companies who have an artist to push and a product to sell. Artists who are only in it for the music (or the message they want to get across) are very few and far between, the vast majority are in it for the money, fame, girls,drugs etc. Are those reasons not good enough?
It takes 3 chords, 2 fingers and one asshole to play rock'n'roll
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01/25/2001 11:30 pm
I don't know about the rest of you, but if I can't play bass for a few hours, my right hand starts to slap imaginary strings and my left goes into a rousing version of air "Golden Boy."
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01/29/2001 9:50 pm
Me to either, Rask and Jake.
Later guys, I'm gonna go practice some "un-cool" music now! he he
# 18
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01/31/2001 7:42 am
I don't know about else where in the world, but across the "big pond" from you jake (The UK) guitar's are making a come back. Okay, so it's a flag that was being flown by the likes of Limb Bizkit, Blink 182, etc. But now Creed, Offspring, Green Day, Metallica to a point, are leading the way for live music again (people who don't have to mime because they're too busy prancing around the stage). I know that a lot of guitarist won't like the bands I've just mentionde and prefer other guitar styles, but it's that or Britney.....
Don't get me wrong, there room for everything in the music world, but something go on longer than needs be. Perhaps many people would say that about guitars, I don't know. One thing I do know though is that, as long as people like us share our intrest for the instrument, it's not going to go away.
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01/31/2001 11:43 pm
Well, it seems to me that the term "sell out" (and poser and any variant of homosexual) are higly subject to interpretation these days. It all seems to correlate though to a combonation people's prespectives, how open minded they are, and how easily trivial things piss them off. I'm not sure exactly how the formula works, but I'm working on roughing it out by saying exactly what I think in Metallica Chat on AIM (if you don't use AIM or AOL now, don't bother, it's really not worth the download).
So anyway, what's the point? I'm not sure, but I'll tell you exactly what thoughts have popped into my head just now. I know a few of them are going to leave a few people feeling slightly to rather miffed, but I think it's better to say what you think than placate the masses.
I don't think guitar is going away for a few hundred years, too many people play and it's very adaptable. The form will change, and probably the features (7 strings, etc).
Bands will come and go and do their thing in the process, but very few will be remembered by our children.
It's a bit unfair to single out Godsmack, for they aren't alone but, I really hope that someday soon the masses will realize that Godsmack doesn't have a riff that Alice in Chains didn't write (not to mention a logo AiC hasn't used), and renounce them for the plagurism they've committed. This of course won't happen because the masses generally don't play guitar, don't remember AiC, and don't care.
This just illustrates the frustrations related to being a musician. We all see things in the scene that annoy us to no end and we're powerless to change. Just remember that no music is more important than your own. If we can do that, then the pop craze of the hour matters a lot less and we can all focus on playing things that we find individually satisfying.
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