Title : When I'm Laid Away
Some things you don't want to hear
Others you don't want to say
But what I'm asking you today
When I'm Laid away, bury me in pine
If you're a friend of mine, bury me in pine
Maybe you want to live forever
I wouldn't have it another way
But there's one thing, please don't take away
I can feel the end now,
coming like the dawning of the day
But i've got just one wish to pray
We've been playing this tune (very slow tune) at gigs, and it has gotten a very "Two Thumbs Up" reaction from crowds.
We start the tune out fast (in the Key of C), and I solo for the intro for about 5 minutes or so, then we gradually bring it down, and about 7 minutes into it, thats when the actual lyrical part of the song starts (modulates to key of F, C's 4th); We go through the lyrics, me playing a solo after each chorus, then at the end, we crank it back to C for the fast part again, and we do vocal adlibbing over it for a few minutes, etc.
The ideals of the song are an expanding 'story' that myself and one of our lyricists are currently working on. Some of you may wonder why there isn't as much of a plot in the story, other than the character's death, and the character is left to the imagination; We are finalizing a "Story" (series of songs woven into one story, all connected in some way), and the character that is dying in this story is being developed right now, so the lyrics will be expanded a few verses, but the main subject line will be the same.
Tell me your throughts.