as for my skills:
i play both rythem better than lead but i like lead better. i'm no expert in any though and i cant shred a bit.
as for the piano i play Karma Police style but i play clasics too.
i have nice set of drums in my basement (Bass, Floor Tam-Tam, Dual Tam-Tams, Snare, Hi-Hat, Ride and Crash (i that says anything to anyone)) but i cant do anything with it and i have to ask my drummer guy if he's in...
anyway recording the guitar and the piano will be no problem, however the echo in my base makes it difficult too record the drums (we usually dont care even when recording... once we recorded a song that ends abruptly but you can hear clearly the HamHamHam of the echo)
God sent meat,
and the Devil sent cooks.
Excuse me while i keep this eye
and the Devil sent cooks.
Excuse me while i keep this eye