Originally Posted by: LordathestringsPolitical Correctness is [u]not[/u] a right-wing concept. It is part and parcel of the lefty social engineering that is destroying Western civilization. Al Gore's wife Tipper was the one trying to ban 'objectionable' music, remember?
Set aside 47 minutes of your time, and be prepared to THINK about what this guy says.
>youtube clip<
LATS, I will gladly watch the clip a little later today when I have a chance. I don't mind admitting when I'm wrong on something (seems to happen a lot!! :D ) but I would never categorize Tipper Gore as a leftist. Al is the leftist in that relationship. Tippers charge into parental warning labels was neither a right or left thing. That was a middle-aged woman thing. Look at who her supporters were. Other middle-aged women from both sides of the political camp. That was a uniting issue, not a left/right issue.
From my left of center viewpoint, I see infringments on expression coming from the right. It has always seemed to me that the right, although masters of polictical manipulation, seem to be more inclined to oppose difference in opinion and the voicing of dissent. Trouble with the left is that they accept any and all opinions and try to appease every single special interest out there. We all know that's not possible. You try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.
And I'll admit that I did over-simplify my original point. Generally speaking, freedon of speech and the apparent loss of the same is generally done, not by governments, at least not here in the US, but by society at large. We are a society made up of special interest groups motivated by their victimization. "Don't say that, it hurts my feelings." So now, we are looking at, in a serious fashion, about banning a word. I despise that word. It's denigrating and stupid. If you can't express yourself any better than by using a word like that, then how can anyone take what you say seriously, you know? Trouble is, you 'ban' one word and you're off and running. You've opened the door to banning other words, ideas and other forms of expression.
I will watch the clip later. Thanks.
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]